Republican Pioneers
We’re marching along, we’re gath’ring strong’
We place on our right reliance,
We fling in the air, for all who care,
Our first loud notes of defiance!
We fling in the air,
For all who care,
Our first loud notes of defiance!
Laugh long and loud, you toady crowd,
At the men you call benighted,
In spite of your sneers, we are pioneers
Of “Australian States United”!
In spite of your sneers, We are pioneers
Of “Australian States United”!
Not long we’ll stand as an outlaw band,
And be in our country lonely,
For soon to the sky shall ring our cry,
Our cry of “Australia only”!
For soon to the sky
Shall mount our cry,
Our cry of “Australia only”!
And we’ll sleep sound in Australian ground,
‘Neath the blue-cross flag star lighted,
When it freely waves o’er the grass-grown graves
Of the pioneers united!
When it floats and veers
O’er the pioneers
Of “Australian States United”!

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