Home ⇒ 📌Gerald England ⇒ OCTOBER FORECAST
“Bright with sunny periods
Some cloud, occasional showers”
Says the local TV forecast.
It has been persistently precipitating
For more than twelve hours.
On the doorstep
A soggy mass of pulp
Is all that is left
Of my note to the milkman.
The dog wags her tail
In a desperate message;
I open the back door,
She steps out,
Looks round,
Then dashes for the nearest
Patch of green,
Does that she has to do.
Back inside,
The hearthrug
Doubles as a towel.
Only an incoming aircraft
Breaks the greyness
Of the birdless sky.
Outside my window,
The sodden rosebush

Related poetry:
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- October O hushed October morning mild, Thy leaves have ripened to the fall; Tomorrow’s wind, if it be wild, Should waste them all. The crows above the forest call; Tomorrow they may form and go. O hushed October morning mild, Begin the hours of this day slow. Make the day seem to us less brief. Hearts […]...
- October Across the land a faint blue veil of mist Seems hung; the woods wear yet arrayment sober Till frost shall make them flame; silent and whist The drooping cherry orchards of October Like mournful pennons hang their shrivelling leaves Russet and orange: all things now decay; Long since ye garnered in your autumn sheaves, And […]...
- October Books litter the bed, Leaves the lawn. It Lightly rains. Fall has Come: unpatterned, in The shedding leaves. The maples ripen. Apples Come home crisp in bags. This pear tastes good. It rains lightly on the Random leaf patterns. The nimbus is spread Above our island. Rain Lightly patters on un- Shed leaves. The books […]...
- Especially When The October Wind Especially when the October wind With frosty fingers punishes my hair, Caught by the crabbing sun I walk on fire And cast a shadow crab upon the land, By the sea’s side, hearing the noise of birds, Hearing the raven cough in winter sticks, My busy heart who shudders as she talks Sheds the syllabic […]...
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- Living The fire in leaf and grass So green it seems Each summer the last summer. The wind blowing, the leaves Shivering in the sun, Each day the last day. A red salamander So cold and so Easy to catch, dreamily Moves his delicate feet And long tail. I hold My hand open for him to […]...
- A Calendar of Sonnets: October The month of carnival of all the year, When Nature lets the wild earth go its way, And spend whole seasons on a single day. The spring-time holds her white and purple dear; October, lavish, flaunts them far and near; The summer charily her reds doth lay Like jewels on her costliest array; October, scornful, […]...
- In Every Direction As if you actually died in that dream And woke up dead. Shadows of untangling vines Tumble toward the ceiling. A delicate Lizard sits on your shoulder, its eyes Blinking in every direction. And when you lean forward and present your Hands to the basin of water, and glimpse the glass face That is reflected […]...
- Andy the Night-Watch In my Spanish cloak, And old slouch hat, And overshoes of felt, And Tyke, my faithful dog, And my knotted hickory cane, I slipped about with a bull’s-eye lantern From door to door on the square, As the midnight stars wheeled round, And the bell in the steeple murmured From the blowing of the wind; […]...
- Paris, October 1936 From all of this I am the only one who leaves. From this bench I go away, from my pants, From my great situation, from my actions, From my number split side to side, From all of this I am the only one who leaves. From the Champs Elysées or as the strange Alley of […]...
- Orinda To Lucasia Parting October 1661 At London Adieu dear object of my Love’s excess, And with thee all my hopes of happiness, With the same fervent and unchanged heart Which did it’s whole self once to thee impart, (And which though fortune has so sorely bruis’d, Would suffer more, to be from this excus’d) I to resign thy dear Converse submit, Since […]...
- A Visitor My father, for example, Who was young once And blue-eyed, Returns On the darkest of nights To the porch and knocks Wildly at the door, And if I answer I must be prepared For his waxy face, For his lower lip Swollen with bitterness. And so, for a long time, I did not answer, But […]...