The Correspondence School Instructor Says Goodbye To His Poetry Students

Goodbye, lady in Bangor, who sent me
Snapshots of yourself, after definitely hinting
You were beautiful; goodbye,
Miami Beach urologist, who enclosed plain
Brown envelopes for the return of your very
Clinical Sonnet; goodbye, manufacturer
Of brassieres on the Coast, whose eclogues
Give the fullest treatment in literature yet
To the sagging-breast motif; goodbye, you in San Quentin,
Who wrote, “Being German my hero is Hitler,”
Instead of “Sincerely yours,” at the end of long,
Neat-scripted letter demolishing
The pre-Raphaelites:

I swear to you, it was just my way
Of cheering myself up, as I licked
The stamped, self-addressed envelopes,
The game I had
Of trying to guess which one of you, this time,
Had poisoned his glue. I did care.
I did read each poem entire.
I did say what I thought was the truth
In the mildest words I know. And now,
In this poem, or chopped prose, not any better,
I realize, than those troubled lines
I kept sending back to you,
I have to say I am relieved it is over:
At the end I could feel only pity
For that urge toward more life
Your poems kept smothering in words, the smell
Of which, days later, would tingle
In your nostrils as new, God-given impulses
To write.

You who are, for me, the postmarks again
Of shattered towns-Xenia, Burnt Cabins, Hornell-
Their loneliness
Given away in poems, only their solitude kept.

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The Correspondence School Instructor Says Goodbye To His Poetry Students