When I remark her golden hair
Swoon on her glorious shoulders,
I marvel not that sight so rare
Doth ravish all beholders;
For summon hence all pretty girls
Renowned for beauteous tresses,
And you shall find among their curls
There’s none so fair as Jessie’s.
And Jessie’s eyes are, oh, so blue
And full of sweet revealings
They seem to look you through and through
And read your inmost feelings;
Nor black emits such ardent fires,
Nor brown such truth expresses
Admit it, all ye gallant squires
There are no eyes like Jessie’s.
Her voice (like liquid beams that roll
From moonland to the river)
Steals subtly to the raptured soul,
Therein to lie and quiver;
Or falls upon the grateful ear
With chaste and warm caresses
Ah, all concede the truth (who hear):
There’s no such voice as Jessie’s.
Of other charms she hath such store
All rivalry excelling,
Though I used adjectives galore,
They’d fail me in the telling;
But now discretion stays my hand
Adieu, eyes, voice, and tresses.
Of all the husbands in the land
There’s none so fierce as Jessie’s.

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