Home ⇒ 📌Ernest Dowson ⇒ In Tempore Senectutis
In Tempore Senectutis
When I am old,
And sadly steal apart,
Into the dark and cold,
Friend of my heart!
Remember, if you can,
Not him who lingers, but that other man,
Who loved and sang, and had a beating heart,
When I am old!
When I am old,
And all Love’s ancient fire
Be tremulous and cold:
My soul’s desire!
Remember, if you may,
Nothing of you and me but yesterday,
When heart on heart we bid the years conspire
To make us old.
When I am old,
And every star above
Be pitiless and cold:
My life’s one love!
Forbid me not to go:
Remember nought of us but long ago,
And not at last, how love and pity strove
When I grew old!

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