What would I give to see his face?

What would I give to see his face?
I’d give I’d give my life of course
But that is not enough!
Stop just a minute let me think!
I’d give my biggest Bobolink!
That makes two Him and Life!
You know who “June” is
I’d give her
Roses a day from Zanzibar
And Lily tubes like Wells
Bees by the furlong
Straits of Blue
Navies of Butterflies sailed thro’
And dappled Cowslip Dells

Then I have “shares” in Primrose “Banks”
Daffodil Dowries spicy “Stocks”
Dominions broad as Dew
Bags of Doublons adventurous Bees
Brought me from firmamental seas
And Purple from Peru

Now have I bought it
“Shylock”? Say!
Sign me the Bond!
“I vow to pay
To Her who pledges this
One hour of her Sovereign’s face”!
Ecstatic Contract!
Niggard Grace!
My Kingdom’s worth of Bliss!

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What would I give to see his face?