Home ⇒ 📌Emily Dickinson ⇒ The Wind didn't come from the Orchard today
The Wind didn't come from the Orchard today
The Wind didn’t come from the Orchard today
Further than that
Nor stop to play with the Hay
Nor joggle a Hat
He’s a transitive fellow very
Rely on that
If He leave a Bur at the door
We know He has climbed a Fir
But the Fir is Where Declare
Were you ever there?
If He brings Odors of Clovers
And that is His business not Ours
Then He has been with the Mowers
Whetting away the Hours
To sweet pauses of Hay
His Way of a June Day
If He fling Sand, and Pebble
Little Boys Hats and Stubble
With an occasional Steeple
And a hoarse “Get out of the way, I say,”
Who’d be the fool to stay?
Would you Say
Would you be the fool to stay?

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