I can't tell you but you feel it
I can’t tell you but you feel it Nor can you tell me Saints, with ravished slate and pencil Solve our April Day! Sweeter than a vanished frolic From a vanished green! Swifter than
You love me you are sure
You love me you are sure I shall not fear mistake I shall not cheated wake Some grinning morn To find the Sunrise left And Orchards unbereft And Dollie gone! I need not start
A Weight with Needles on the pounds
A Weight with Needles on the pounds To push, and pierce, besides That if the Flesh resist the Heft The puncture coolly tries That not a pore be overlooked Of all this Compound Frame
Upon his Saddle sprung a Bird
Upon his Saddle sprung a Bird And crossed a thousand Trees Before a Fence without a Fare His Fantasy did please And then he lifted up his Throat And squandered such a Note A
A Tongue to tell Him I am true!
A Tongue to tell Him I am true! Its fee to be of Gold Had Nature in Her monstrous House A single Ragged Child To earn a Mine would run That Interdicted Way, And
The Mind lives on the Heart
The Mind lives on the Heart Like any Parasite If that is full of Meat The Mind is fat. But if the Heart omit Emaciate the Wit The Aliment of it So absolute.
There is an arid Pleasure
There is an arid Pleasure As different from Joy As Frost is different from Dew Like element are they Yet one rejoices Flowers And one the Flowers abhor The finest Honey curdled Is worthless
She went as quiet as the Dew
She went as quiet as the Dew From an Accustomed flower. Not like the Dew, did she return At the Accustomed hour! She dropt as softly as a star From out my summer’s Eve
No matter now Sweet
No matter now Sweet But when I’m Earl Won’t you wish you’d spoken To that dull Girl? Trivial a Word just Trivial a Smile But won’t you wish you’d spared one When I’m Earl?
Fortitude incarnate
Fortitude incarnate Here is laid away In the swift Partitions Of the awful Sea Babble of the Happy Cavil of the Bold Hoary the Fruition But the Sea is old Edifice of Ocean Thy
No Crowd that has occurred
No Crowd that has occurred Exhibit I suppose That General Attendance That Resurrection does Circumference be full The long restricted Grave Assert her Vital Privilege The Dust connect and live On Atoms features place
Exhilaration is within
Exhilaration is within There can no Outer Wine So royally intoxicate As that diviner Brand The Soul achieves Herself To drink or set away For Visitor Or Sacrament ‘Tis not of Holiday To stimulate
This Me that walks and works must die
This Me that walks and works must die, Some fair or stormy Day, Adversity if it may be Or wild prosperity The Rumor’s Gate was shut so tight Before my mind was born Not
'Twas awkward, but it fitted me
‘Twas awkward, but it fitted me An Ancient fashioned Heart Its only lore its Steadfastness In Change unerudite It only moved as do the Suns For merit of Return Or Birds confirmed perpetual By
A stagnant pleasure like a Pool
A stagnant pleasure like a Pool That lets its Rushes grow Until they heedless tumble in And make the Water slow Impeding navigation bright Of Shadows going down Yet even this shall rouse itself