There's been a Death, in the Opposite House
There’s been a Death, in the Opposite House, As lately as Today I know it, by the numb look Such Houses have alway The Neighbors rustle in and out The Doctor drives away A
Pigmy seraphs gone astray
Pigmy seraphs gone astray Velvet people from Vevay Balles from some lost summer day Bees exclusive Coterie Paris could not lay the fold Belted down with Emerald Venice could not show a check Of
Had I presumed to hope
Had I presumed to hope The loss had been to Me A Value for the Greatness’ Sake As Giants gone away Had I presumed to gain A Favor so remote The failure but confirm
I tried to think a lonelier Thing
I tried to think a lonelier Thing Than any I had seen Some Polar Expiation An Omen in the Bone Of Death’s tremendous nearness I probed Retrieverless things My Duplicate to borrow A Haggard
Undue Significance a starving man attaches
Undue Significance a starving man attaches To Food Far off He sighs and therefore Hopeless And therefore Good Partaken it relieves indeed But proves us That Spices fly In the Receipt It was the
Of this is Day composed
Of this is Day composed A morning and a noon A Revelry unspeakable And then a gay unknown Whose Pomps allure and spurn And dower and deprive And penury for Glory Remedilessly leave.
One dignity delays for all
One dignity delays for all One mitred Afternoon None can avoid this purple None evade this Crown! Coach, it insures, and footmen Chamber, and state, and throng Bells, also, in the village As we
The Daisy follows soft the Sun
The Daisy follows soft the Sun And when his golden walk is done Sits shyly at his feet He waking finds the flower there Wherefore Marauder art thou here? Because, Sir, love is sweet!
I often passed the village
I often passed the village When going home from school And wondered what they did there And why it was so still I did not know the year then In which my call would
The Night was wide, and furnished scant
The Night was wide, and furnished scant With but a single Star That often as a Cloud it met Blew out itself for fear The Wind pursued the little Bush And drove away the
Risk is the Hair that holds the Tun
Risk is the Hair that holds the Tun Seductive in the Air That Tun is hollow but the Tun With Hundred Weights to spare Too ponderous to suspect the snare Espies that fickle chair
The Leaves like Women interchange
The Leaves like Women interchange Exclusive Confidence Somewhat of nods and somewhat Portentous inference. The Parties in both cases Enjoining secrecy Inviolable compact To notoriety.
The Lassitudes of Contemplation
The Lassitudes of Contemplation Beget a force They are the spirit’s still vacation That him refresh The Dreams consolidate in action What mettle fair
A shady friend for Torrid days
A shady friend for Torrid days Is easier to find Than one of higher temperature For Frigid hour of Mind The Vane a little to the East Scares Muslin souls away If Broadcloth Hearts
We don't cry Tim and I
We don’t cry Tim and I, We are far too grand But we bolt the door tight To prevent a friend Then we hide our brave face Deep in our hand Not to cry