He who in Himself believes

He who in Himself believes Fraud cannot presume Faith is Constancy’s Result And assumes from Home Cannot perish, though it fail Every second time But defaced Vicariously For Some Other Shame

Color Caste Denomination

Color Caste Denomination These are Time’s Affair Death’s diviner Classifying Does not know they are As in sleep All Hue forgotten Tenets put behind Death’s large Democratic fingers Rub away the Brand If Circassian

"Arcturus" is his other name

“Arcturus” is his other name I’d rather call him “Star.” It’s very mean of Science To go and interfere! I slew a worm the other day A “Savant” passing by Murmured “Resurgam” “Centipede”! “Oh

The Morning after Woe

The Morning after Woe ‘Tis frequently the Way Surpasses all that rose before For utter Jubilee As Nature did not care And piled her Blossoms on And further to parade a Joy Her Victim

He scanned it staggered

He scanned it staggered Dropped the Loop To Past or Period Caught helpless at a sense as if His Mind were going blind Groped up, to see if God was there Groped backward at

Wait till the Majesty of Death

Wait till the Majesty of Death Invests so mean a brow! Almost a powdered Footman Might dare to touch it now! Wait till in Everlasting Robes That Democrat is dressed, Then prate about “Preferment”

To One denied the drink

To One denied the drink To tell what Water is Would be acuter, would it not Than letting Him surmise? To lead Him to the Well And let Him hear it drip Remind Him,

I thought the Train would never come

I thought the Train would never come How slow the whistle sang I don’t believe a peevish Bird So whimpered for the Spring I taught my Heart a hundred times Precisely what to say

I like a look of Agony

I like a look of Agony, Because I know it’s true Men do not sham Convulsion, Nor simulate, a Throe The Eyes glaze once and that is Death Impossible to feign The Beads upon

Sweet You forgot but I remembered

Sweet You forgot but I remembered Every time for Two So that the Sum be never hindered Through Decay of You Say if I erred? Accuse my Farthings Blame the little Hand Happy it

"Heaven" is what I cannot reach!

“Heaven” is what I cannot reach! The Apple on the Tree Provided it do hopeless hang That “Heaven” is to Me! The Color, on the Cruising Cloud The interdicted Land Behind the Hill the

Heart! We will forget him!

Heart! We will forget him! You and I tonight! You may forget the warmth he gave I will forget the light! When you have done, pray tell me That I may straight begin! Haste!

A little overflowing word

A little overflowing word That any, hearing, had inferred For Ardor or for Tears, Though Generations pass away, Traditions ripen and decay, As eloquent appears

Of God we ask one favor

Of God we ask one favor, That we may be forgiven For what, he is presumed to know The Crime, from us, is hidden Immured the whole of Life Within a magic Prison We

A Charm invests a face

A Charm invests a face Imperfectly beheld The Lady date not lift her Veil For fear it be dispelled But peers beyond her mesh And wishes and denies Lest Interview annul a want That
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