I had a guinea golden
I had a guinea golden
I lost it in the sand
And tho’ the sum was simple
And pounds were in the land
Still, had it such a value
Unto my frugal eye
That when I could not find it
I sat me down to sigh.
I had a crimson Robin
Who sang full many a day
But when the woods were painted,
He, too, did fly away
Time brought me other Robins
Their ballads were the same
Still, for my missing Troubador
I kept the “house at hame.”
I had a star in heaven
One “Pleiad” was its name
And when I was not heeding,
It wandered from the same.
And tho’ the skies are crowded
And all the night ashine
I do not care about it
Since none of them are mine.
My story has a moral
I have a missing friend
“Pleiad” its name, and Robin,
And guinea in the sand.
And when this mournful ditty
Accompanied with tear
Shall meet the eye of traitor
In country far from here
Grant that repentance solemn
May seize upon his mind
And he no consolation
Beneath the sun may find.

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