Home ⇒ 📌Ellis Parker Butler ⇒ When Ida Puts Her Armor On
When Ida Puts Her Armor On
The Cowboy had a sterling heart,
The Maiden was from Boston,
The Rancher saw his wealth depart-
The Steers were what he lost on.
The Villain was a banker’s limb,
His spats and cane were nifty;
The Maiden needs must marry him-
Her father was not thrifty.
The Sheepmen were as foul as pitch,
The Cowboy was a hero,
The gold mine made the hero rich,
The Villain’s score was zero.
The Sheepmen tried to steal the maid,
The Villain sought the attic,
The Hero fifteen bad men slayed
With his blue automatic.
The Hero kissed the willing lass,
The final scene was snappy;
The Villain went to Boston, Mass.,
And everyone was happy.

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