Straight through my heart this fact to-day,
By Truth’s own hand is driven:
God never takes one thing away,
But something else is given.
I did not know in earlier years,
This law of love and kindness;
I only mourned through bitter tears
My loss, in sorrow’s blindness.
But, ever following each regret
O’er some departed treasure,
My sad repining heart was met
With unexpected pleasure.
I thought is only happened so;
But time this truth taught me –
No least thing from my life can go,
But something else is brought to me.
It is the Law, complete, sublime;
And now, with Faith unshaken,
In patience I but bide my time
When any joy is taken.
No matter if the crushing blow
May for the moment down me,
Still, back of it waits Love, I know
With some new gift to crown me.

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