Wild Swans
I looked in my heart while the wild swans went over. And what did I see I had not seen before? Only a question less or a question more: Nothing to match the flight
The Concert
No, I will go alone. I will come back when it’s over. Yes, of course I love you. No, it will not be long. Why may you not come with me?- You are too
Not Even My Pride Shall Suffer Much
Not even my pride shall suffer much; Not even my pride at all, maybe, If this ill-timed, intemperate clutch Be loosed by you and not by me, Will suffer; I have been so true
Think Not, Not For A Moment Let Your Mind
Think not, not for a moment let your mind, Wearied with thinking, doze upon the thought That the work’s done and the long day behind, And beauty, since ’tis paid for, can be bought.
AND if I loved you Wednesday, Well, what is that to you? I do not love you Thursday So much is true. And why you come complaining Is more than I can see. I
Being Young And Green
Being Young and Green, I said in love’s despite: Never in the world will I to living wight Give over, air my mind To anyone, Hang out its ancient secrets in the strong wind
For the sake of some things That be now no more I will strew rushes On my chamber-floor, I will plant bergamot At my kitchen-door. For the sake of dim things That were once
City Trees
The trees along this city street, Save for the traffic and the trains, Would make a sound as thin and sweet As trees in country lanes. And people standing in their shade Out of
WE were very tired, we were very merry We had gone back and forth all night on the ferry. It was bare and bright, and smelled like a stable But we looked into a
Conscientious Objector
I shall die, but That is all that I shall do for Death. I hear him leading his horse out of the stall; I hear the clatter on the barn-floor. He is in haste;
Afternoon On A Hill
I will be the gladdest thing Under the sun! I will touch a hundred flowers And not pick one. I will look at cliffs and clouds With quiet eyes, Watch the wind bow down
Dirge Without Music
I am not resigned to the shutting away of loving hearts in the hard ground. So it is, and so it will be, for so it has been, time out of mind: Into the
The Goose-Girl
Spring rides no horses down the hill, But comes on foot, a goose-girl still. And all the loveliest things there be Come simply, so, it seems to me. If ever I said, in grief
Intention To Escape From Him
Edna St. Vincent Millay – Intention To Escape From Him I think I will learn some beautiful language, useless for commercial Purposes, work hard at that. I think I will learn the Latin name
Sonnet 06: Bluebeard
This door you might not open, and you did; So enter now, and see for what slight thing You are betrayed…. Here is no treasure hid No cauldron, no clear crystal mirroring The sought-for