A Pastorall Elegie vpon the death of the most Noble and valorous Knight, Sir Philip Sidney. Dedicated To the most beautifull and vertuous Ladie, the Countesse of Essex. Shepheards that wont on pipes of
So Let Us Love
Most glorious Lord of life! that on this day Didst make thy triumph over death and sin, And having harrowed hell, didst bring away Captivity thence captive, us to win: This joyous day, dear
Sonnet XVII
THe glorious portraict of that Angels face, Made to amaze weake mens confused skil: And this worlds worthlesse glory to embase, What pen, what pencill can expresse her fill? For though he colours could
Amoretti LXXV: One Day I Wrote Her Name
One day I wrote her name upon the strand, But came the waves and washed it away: Again I wrote it with a second hand, But came the tide, and made my pains his
Sonnet XXVI
SWeet is the Rose, but growes vpon a brere; Sweet is the Iunipere, but sharpe his bough; Sweet is the Eglantine, but pricketh nere; Sweet is the firbloome, but his braunches rough. Sweet is
Poem 18
NOw welcome night, thou night so long expected, That long daies labour doest at last defray, And all my cares, which cruell loue collected, Hast sumd in one, and cancelled for aye: Spread thy
Sonnet LXVI
TO all those happy blessings which ye haue, With plenteous hand by heauen vpon you thrown: This one disparagement they to you gaue, That ye your loue lent to so meane a one. Yee
Sonnet XIII
IN that proud port, which her so goodly graceth, Whiles her faire face she reares vp to the skie: And to the ground her eie lids low embaseth, Most goodly temperature ye may descry,
The Faerie Queene, Book III, Canto VI
THE THIRD BOOKE OF THE FAERIE QUEENE Contayning THE LEGENDE OF BRITOMARTIS OR OF CHASTITIECANTO VI The birth of faire Belphoebe and Of Amoret is told. The Gardins of Adonis fraught With pleasures manifold.
The Faerie Queene: Book I, Canto I
THE FIRST BOOKE OF THE FAERIE QUEENE Contayning THE LEGENDE OF THE KNIGHT OF THE RED CROSSE, OR OF HOLINESSEProemi Lo I the man, whose Muse whilome did maske, As time her taught in
Sonnet XXIX
See how the stubborne damzell doth depraue My simple meaning with disdaynfull scorne: And by the bay which I vnto her gaue, Accoumpts my selfe her captiue quite forlorne. The bay (quoth she) is
Sonnet LXXI
I Ioy to see how in your drawen work, Your selfe vnto the Bee ye doe compare; And me vnto the Spyder that doth lurke, In close awayt to catch her vnaware. Right so
MY hungry eyes, through greedy couetize, Still to behold the obiect of theyr payne: With no contentment can themselues suffize, But hauing pine, and hauing not complayne For lacking it, they cannot lyfe sustayne,
Poem 5
WAke now my loue, awake; for it is time, The Rosy Morne long since left Tithones bed, All ready to her siluer coche to clyme, And Phoebus gins to shew his glorious hed. Hark
Sonnet 81
Fair is my love, when her fair golden hears With the loose wind the waving chance to mark: Fair when the rose in her red cheeks appears, Or in her eyes the fire of