The Métier of Blossoming
Fully occupied with growing that’s
The amaryllis. Growing especially
At night: it would take
Only a bit more patience than I’ve got
To sit keeping watch with it till daylight;
The naked eye could register every hour’s
Increase in height. Like a child against a barn door,
Proudly topping each year’s achievement,
Steadily up
Goes each green stem, smooth, matte,
Traces of reddish purple at the base, and almost
Imperceptible vertical ridges
Running the length of them:
Two robust stems from each bulb,
Sometimes with sturdy leaves for company,
Elegant sweeps of blade with rounded points.
Aloft, the gravid buds, shiny with fullness.
One morning and so soon! the first flower
Has opened when you wake. Or you catch it poised
In a single, brief
Moment of hesitation.
Next day, another,
Shy at first like a foal,
Even a third, a fourth,
Carried triumphantly at the summit
Of those strong columns, and each
A Juno, calm in brilliance,
A maiden giantess in modest splendor.
If humans could be
That intensely whole, undistracted, unhurried,
Swift from sheer
Unswerving impetus! If we could blossom
Out of ourselves, giving
Nothing imperfect, withholding nothing!

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