The unquiet city
we are succulents
Our cool jade arms open
Over clean tables our fine bone
China minds pull the strings
Of our tongues together we plait
Our thoughts with the television
Back through the aerials and
Transmission towers prodding
Through the literal fog
The mechanics of which distance
Does not startle us or the ears
Pretend to hear the telephone
The page also wearies
Us we have taken the meaning
Out of things by laying them face to
Face in our dictionary of emotions
We are so entirely alone that we
Are unaware of it
And we enjoy the religion of solitude
Because religions are at base
Meaningless and we can turn
From them to a new hobby
To clean ashtrays or emptier
Whiskey glasses we the women
Of our building Margaret Gladys
Cecily Ida Eileen and I have
The cleanest washing on our block
We are proud and air our sheets
Any serious stain or passionate figment
Seeped through that censorious cloth
We have plants one of us has a budgie
And I have three fish the details
Are unimportant God does not come here often
We would be suspicious if he
Did without an identity card
We collect each others’ mail
Remind each other of garbage
Days and are frightened
Of the louts from the skating rink
But in the night I leave
My curtains open and air
My pendant tremulous breasts

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