What Can We Do?
at their best, there is gentleness in Humanity.
Some understanding and, at times, acts of
But all in all it is a mass, a glob that doesn’t
Have too much.
It is like a large animal deep in sleep and
Almost nothing can awaken it.
When activated it’s best at brutality,
Selfishness, unjust judgments, murder.
What can we do with it, this Humanity?
Avoid the thing as much as possible.
Treat it as you would anything poisonous, vicious
And mindless.
But be careful. it has enacted laws to protect
Itself from you.
It can kill you without cause.
And to escape it you must be subtle.
Few escape.
It’s up to you to figure a plan.
I have met nobody who has escaped.
I have met some of the great and
Famous but they have not escaped
For they are only great and famous within
I have not escaped
But I have not failed in trying again and
Before my death I hope to obtain my
From blank gun silencer – 1994

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