Home ⇒ 📌Charles Bukowski ⇒ Melancholia
the history of melancholia
Includes all of us.
Me, I writhe in dirty sheets
While staring at blue walls
And nothing.
I have gotten so used to melancholia
I greet it like an old
I will now do 15 minutes of grieving
For the lost redhead,
I tell the gods.
I do it and feel quite bad
Quite sad,
Then I rise
Even though nothing
Is solved.
That’s what I get for kicking
Religion in the ass.
I should have kicked the redhead
In the ass
Where her brains and her bread and
Butter are
But, no, I’ve felt sad
About everything:
The lost redhead was just another
Smash in a lifelong
I listen to drums on the radio now
And grin.
There is something wrong with me

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