Girl In A Miniskirt Reading The Bible Outside My Window
Sunday, I am eating a
Grapefruit, church is over at the Russian
Orthadox to the
She is dark
Of Eastern descent,
Large brown eyes look up from the Bible
Then down. a small red and black
Bible, and as she reads
Her legs keep moving, moving,
She is doing a slow rythmic dance
Reading the Bible. . .
Long gold earrings;
2 gold bracelets on each arm,
And it’s a mini-suit, I suppose,
The cloth hugs her body,
The lightest of tans is that cloth,
She twists this way and that,
Long yellow legs warm in the sun. . .
There is no escaping her being
There is no desire to. . .
My radio is playing symphonic music
That she cannot hear
But her movements coincide exactly
To the rythms of the
Symphony. . .
She is dark, she is dark
She is reading about God.
I am God.

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