Another Day
having the low down blues and going
Into a restraunt to eat.
You sit at a table.
The waitress smiles at you.
She’s dumpy. her ass is too big.
She radiates kindess and symphaty.
Live with her 3 months and a man would no real agony.
O. k., you’ll tip her 15 percent.
You order a turkey sandwich and a
The man at the table across from you
Has watery blue eyes and
A head like an elephant.
At a table further down are 3 men
With very tiny heads
And long necks
Like ostiches.
They talk loudly of land development.
Why, you think, did I ever come
In here when I have the low-down
Then the the waitress comes back eith the sandwich
And she asks you if there will be anything
Snd you tell her, no no, this will be
Then somebody behind you laughs.
It’s a cork laugh filled with sand and
Broken glass.
You begin eating the sandwhich.
It’s something.
It’s a minor, difficult,
Sensible action
Like composing a popular song
To make a 14-year old
You order another beer.
Jesus, look at that guy
His hands hang down almost to his knees and he’s
Well, time to get out.
Pivk up the bill.
Go to the register.
Pick up a toothpick.
Go out the door.
Your car is still there.
And there are 3 men with heads
And necks
Like ostriches all getting into one
They each have a toothpick and now
They are talking about women.
They drive away first
They drive away fast.
They’re best i guess.
It’s an unberably hot day.
There’s a first-stage smog alert.
All the birds and plants are dead
Or dying.
You start the engine.

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