Home ⇒ 📌Carl Sandburg ⇒ Eleventh Avenue Racket
Eleventh Avenue Racket
THERE is something terrible
About a hurdy-gurdy,
A gipsy man and woman,
And a monkey in red flannel
All stopping in front of a big house
With a sign “For Rent” on the door
And the blinds hanging loose
And nobody home.
I never saw this.
I hope to God I never will.
Nobody home? Everybody home.
Mamie Riley married Jimmy Higgins last night: Eddie Jones died of whooping cough: George Hacks got a job on the police force: the Rosenheims bought a brass bed: Lena Hart giggled at a jackie: a pushcart man called tomaytoes, tomaytoes.
Nobody home? Everybody home.

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