Home ⇒ 📌Carl Sandburg ⇒ Do You Want Affidavits?
Do You Want Affidavits?
THERE’S a hole in the bottom of the sea.
Do you want affidavits?
There’s a man in the moon with money for you.
Do you want affidavits?
There are ten dancing girls in a sea-chamber off Nantucket waiting for you.
There are tall candles in Timbuctoo burning penance for you.
There are-anything else?
Speak now-for now we stand amid the great wishing windows-and the law says we are free to be wishing all this week at the windows.
Shall I raise my right hand and swear to you in the monotone of a notary public? this is “the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.”

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