The Maple
The Maple
Is a system of posture for wood.
A way of not falling down
For twigs that happens
To benefit birds. I don’t know.
I’m staring at a tree,
At yellow leaves
Threshed by wind and want you
Reading this to be staring
At the same tree. I could
Cut it down and laminate it
Or ask you to live with me
On the stairs with the window
Keeping an eye on the maple
But I think your real life
Would miss you. The story
Here is that all morning
I’ve thought of the statement
That art is about loneliness
While watching golden leaves
Become unhinged.
By ones or in bunches
They tumble and hang
For a moment like a dress
In the dryer.
At the laundromat
You’ve seen the arms
Thrown out to catch the shirt
Flying the other way.
Just as you’ve stood
At the bottom of a gray sky
In a pile of leaves
Trying to lick them
Back into place.

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