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Gipsy Love
The gipsy tents are on the down,
The gipsy girls are here;
And it’s O to be off and away from the town
With a gipsy for my dear!
We’d make our bed in the bracken
With the lark for a chambermaid;
The lark would sing us awake in the morning,
Singing above our head.
We’d drink the sunlight all day long
With never a house to bind us;
And we’d only flout in a merry song
The world we left behind us.
We would be free as birds are free
The livelong day, the livelong day;
And we would lie in the sunny bracken
With none to say us nay.
The gipsy tents are on the down,
The gipsy girls are here;
And it’s O to be off and away from the town
With a gipsy for my dear!

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