Home ⇒ 📌Anne Sexton ⇒ Earthworm
Slim inquirer, while the old fathers sleep
You are reworking their soil, you have
A grocery store there down under the earth
And it is well stocked with broken wine bottles,
Old cigars, old door knobs and earth,
That great brown flour that you kiss each day.
There are dark stars in the cool evening and
You fondle them like killer birds’ beaks.
But what I want to know is why when small boys
Dig you up for curiosity and cut you in half
Why each half lives and crawls away as if whole.
Have you no beginning and end? Which heart is
The real one? Which eye the seer? Why
Is it in the infinite plan that you would
Be severed and rise from the dead like a gargoyle
With two heads?

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