Home ⇒ 📌Anne Kingsmill Finch ⇒ The Unequal Fetters
The Unequal Fetters
Cou’d we stop the time that’s flying
Or recall itt when ’tis past
Put far off the day of Dying
Or make Youth for ever last
To Love wou’d then be worth our cost.
But since we must loose those Graces
Which at first your hearts have wonne
And you seek for in new Faces
When our Spring of Life is done
It wou’d but urdge our ruine on
Free as Nature’s first intention
Was to make us, I’ll be found
Nor by subtle Man’s invention
Yeild to be in Fetters bound
By one that walks a freer round.
Mariage does but slightly tye Men
Whil’st close Pris’ners we remain
They the larger Slaves of Hymen
Still are begging Love again
At the full length of all their chain.

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