Call Me Away
Call me away; there’s nothing here, That wins my soul to stay; Then let me leave this prospect drear, And hasten far away. To our beloved land I’ll flee, Our land of thought and
Parting Address From Z. Z. To A. E
O weep not, love! each tear that springs In those dear eyes of thine, To me a keener suffering brings Than if they flowed from mine. And do not droop! however drear The fate
An Orphan's Lament
She’s gone and twice the summer’s sun Has gilt Regina’s towers, And melted wild Angora’s snows, And warmed Exina’s bowers. The flowerets twice on hill and dale Have bloomed and died away, And twice
Past Days
‘Tis strange to think, there was a time When mirth was not an empty name, When laughter really cheered the heart, And frequent smiles unbidden came, And tears of grief would only flow In
Lines Inscribed on The Wall of a Dungeon in The Southern P of I
Though not a breath can enter here, I know the wind blows fresh and free; I know the sun is shining clear, Though not a gleam can visit me. They thought while I in
A Word To The 'Elect'
You may rejoice to think yourselves secure; You may be grateful for the gift divine That grace unsought, which made your black hearts pure, And fits your earth-born souls in Heaven to shine. But,
Ellen, you were thoughtless once Of beauty or of grace, Simple and homely in attire, Careless of form and face; Then whence this change? and wherefore now So often smooth your hair? And wherefore
Music on Christmas Morning
Music I love - but never strain Could kindle raptures so divine, So grief assuage, so conquer pain, And rouse this pensive heart of mine - As that we hear on Christmas morn, Upon
The Narrow Way
Believe not those who say The upward path is smooth, Lest thou shouldst stumble in the way And faint before the truth. It is the only road Unto the realms of joy; But he
The Consolation
Though bleak these woods and damp the ground With fallen leaves so thickly strewn, And cold the wind that wanders round With wild and melancholy moan, There is a friendly roof I know Might
In Memory of a Happy Day in February
Blessed be Thou for all the joy My soul has felt today! O let its memory stay with me And never pass away! I was alone, for those I loved Were far away from
A Prisoner in a Dungeon Deep
A prisoner in a dungeon deep Sat musing silently; His head was rested on his hand, His elbow on his knee. Turned he his thoughts to future times Or are they backward cast? For
O, let me be alone a while, No human form is nigh. And may I sing and muse aloud, No mortal ear is by. Away! ye dreams of earthly bliss, Ye earthly cares begone:
While on my lonely couch I lie, I seldom feel myself alone, For fancy fills my dreaming eye With scenes and pleasures of its own. Then I may cherish at my breast An infant’s
Gloomily the Clouds
Gloomily the clouds are sailing O’er the dimly moonlit sky; Dolefully the wind is wailing; Not another sound is nigh; Only I can hear it sweeping Heathclad hill and woodland dale, And at times