1) An individual spider web
Identifies a species:
An order of instinct prevails
through all accidents of circumstance,
though possibility is
High along the peripheries of
you can go all
around the fringing attachments
and find
Disorder ripe,
Entropy rich, high levels of random,
numerous occasions of accident:
2) the possible settings
Of a web are infinite:
how does
The spider keep
while creating the web
in a particular place?
how and to what extent
and by what modes of chemistry
and control?
It is
how things work: I will tell you
about it
It is interesting
And because whatever is
Moves in weeds
and stars and spider webs
And known
is loved:
in that love,
each of us knowing it,
I love you,
For it moves within and beyond us,
sizzles in
To winter grasses, darts and hangs with bumblebees
By summer windowsills:
I will show you
The underlying that takes no image to itself,
cannot be shown or said,
But weaves in and out of moons and bladderweeds,
is all and
beyond destruction
because created fully in no
Particular form:
if the web were perfectly pre-set,
the spider could
never find
a perfect place to set it in: and
if the web were
Perfectly adaptable,
If freedom and possibility were without limit,
the web would
Lose its special identity:
the row-strung garden web
Keeps order at the center
Where space is freest (intersecting that the freest
“medium” should
accept the firmest order)
And that
diminishes toward the
allowing at the points of contact
entropy equal to entropy.

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