An Improvisation For Angular Momentum
Walking is like
Imagination, a
Single step
Dissolves the circle
Into motion; the eye here
And there rests
On a leaf,
Gap, or ledge,
Everything flowing
Except where
Sight touches seen:
Stop, though, and
Reality snaps back
In, locked hard,
Forms sharply
Themselves, bushbank,
Dentree, phoneline,
Definite, fixed,
The self, too, then
Caught real, clouds
And wind melting
Into their directions,
Breaking around and
Over, down and out,
Motions profound,
Alive, musical!
Perhaps the death mother like the birth mother
Does not desert us but comes to tend
And produce us, to make room for us
And bear us tenderly, considerately,
Through the gates, to see us through,
To ease our pains, quell our cries,
To hover over and nestle us, to deliver
Us into the greatest, most enduring
Peace, all the way past the bother of
Beyond the finework of frailty,
The mishmash house of the coming & going,
Creation’s fringes,
The eddies and curlicues

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