Usually at the helipad
I see them stumble-dance
Across the hot asphalt
With crokersacks over their heads,
Moving toward the interrogation huts,
Thin-framed as box kites
Of sticks & black silk
Anticipating a hard wind
That’ll tug & snatch them
Out into space. I think
Some must be laughing
Under their dust-colored hoods,
Knowing rockets are aimed
At Chu Lai-that the water’s
Evaporating & soon the nail
Will make contact with metal.
How can anyone anywhere love
These half-broken figures
Bent under the sky’s brightness?
The weight they carry
Is the soil we tread night & day.
Who can cry for them?
I’ve heard the old ones
Are the hardest to break.
An arm twist, a combat boot
Against the skull, a.45
Jabbed into the mouth, nothing
Works. When they start talking
With ancestors faint as
Smoke in pagodas, you know
You’ll have to kill them
To get an answer.
Sunlight throws
Scythes against the afternoon.
Everything’s a heat mirage; a river
Tugs at their slow feet.
I stand alone & amazed,
With a pill-happy door gunner
Signaling for me to board the Cobra.
I remember how one day
I almost bowed to such figures
Walking toward me, under
A corporal’s ironclad stare.
I can’t say why.
From a half-mile away
Trees huddle together,
& the prisoners look like
Marionettes hooked to strings of light.

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