A New Broom
I bought a new broom today
And swept the cobwebs down,
A thick accumulation of dregs,
A mass of tangles and smut.
I whisked a conglomeration of dust
That forever stuck-inaccessible.
Lifted the rug under which was hidden
Years of grime that
Made traversing treacherous
with things that trip you up.
I rolled that rug and cast it off
And pitched the whole mess out.
I bought a new broom today
And mucked about the house.
Gone are the indignities that cannot be untwined
From the unfulfilled goals and dreams,
Cleared the place of bitter resentments
Secured with insecurities.
Shackling phobias, permanently pitched
With a flick of bristles strawy,
Dismal doubts and grubby grudges
all brushed not so effortlessly away.
I bought a new broom today
And swept the corners of my brain.

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