William Topaz Mcgonagall
An Ode to the Queen
All hail to the Empress of India, Great Britain’s Queen! Long may she live in health, happy and serene; Loved by her subjects at home and abroad; Blest may she be when lying down
The Battle of Flodden Field
‘Twas on the 9th of September, a very beautiful day, That a numerous English army came in grand array, And pitched their tents on Flodden field so green In the year of our Lord
A Tale of the Sea
A pathetic tale of the sea I will unfold, Enough to make one’s blood run cold; Concerning four fishermen cast adrift in a dory. As I’ve been told I’ll relate the story. T’was on
Farewell Address at the Argyle Hall
Fellow Citizens of Dundee. I now must bid farewell to ye. For I am going to London far away. But when I will return again I cannot say. Farewell! Farewell! to the bonnie banks
The Wreck of the Steamer Storm Queen
Ye landsmen, all pray list to me, While I relate a terrible tale of the sea, Concerning the screw steamer “Storm Queen” Which was wrecked, alas! a most heast-rending scene. From Sebastopol, with a
Lines in Defence of the Stage
Good people of high and low degree, I pray ye all be advised by me, And don’t believe what the clergy doth say, That by going to the theatre you will be led astray.
A Humble Heroine
‘Twas at the Seige of Matagarda, during the Peninsular War, That a Mrs Reston for courage outshone any man there by far; She was the wife of a Scottish soldier in Matagarda Port, And
The Wreck of the Thomas Dryden
As I stood upon the sandy beach One morn near Pentland Ferry, I saw a beautiful brigantine, And all her crew seem’d merry. When lo! the wind began to howl, And the clouds began
The Battle of Inkermann
‘Twas in the year of 1854, and on the 5th November, Which Britain will no doubt long remember, When the Russians plotted to drive the British army into the sea, But at the bayonet
The Disastrous Fire at Scarborough
‘Twas in the year of 1898, and on the 8th of June, A mother and six children met with a cruel doom In one of the most fearful fires for some years past And
The Battle of Waterloo
‘Twas in the year 1815, and on the 18th day of June, That British cannon, against the French army, loudly did boom, Upon the ever memorable bloody field of Waterloo; Which Napoleon remembered while
A New Year's Resolution to Leave Dundee
Welcome! thrice welcome! to the year 1893, For it is the year I intend to leave Dundee, Owing to the treatment I receive, Which does my heart sadly grieve. Every morning when I go
The Funeral of the Late Ex-Provost Rough, Dundee
‘Twas in the year of 1888, and on the 19th of November, Which the friends of the late Ex-Provost Rough will long remember, Because ’twas on the 19th of November his soul took its
The Beautiful City of Perth
Beautiful Ancient City of Perth, One of the grandest on the earth, With your stately mansions and streets so clean, And situated between two Inches green, Which are most magnificent to be seen The
Beautiful Nairn
All ye tourists who wish to be away From the crowded city for a brief holiday; The town of Nairn is worth a visit, I do confess, And it’s only about fifteen miles from
The Last Berkshire Eleven
‘Twas at the disastrous battle of Maiwand, in Afghanistan, Where the Berkshires were massacred to the last man; On the morning of July the 27th, in the year eighteen eighty, Which I’m sorry to
The Horrors of Majuba
‘Twas after the great Majuba fight: And the next morning, at daylight, Captain Macbean’s men were ordered to headquarters camp, So immediately Captain Macbean and his men set out on tramp. And there they
Richard Pigott, the Forger
Richard Pigott, the forger, was a very bad man, And to gainsay it there’s nobody can, Because for fifty years he pursued a career of deceit, And as a forger few men with him
Bonnie Kilmany
Bonnie Kilmany, in the County of Fife, Is a healthy spot to reside in to lengthen one’s life. The scenery there in the summer time is truly grand, Especially the beautiful hills and the
The Fair Maid of Perth's House
All ye good people, afar and near, To my request pray lend an ear; I advise you all without delay to go And see the Fair Maid’s House – it is a rare show.
The Ancient Town of Leith
Ancient town of Leith, most wonderful to be seen, With your many handsome buildings, and lovely links so green, And the first buildings I may mention are the Courthouse and Town Hall, Also Trinity
Lines in Praise of Professor Blackie
Alas! the people’s hearts are now full of sorrow For the deceased Professor Blackie, of Edinboro’; Because he was a Christian man, affable and kind, And his equal in charitable actions would be hard
The Rebel Surprise Near Tamai
‘Twas on the 22nd of March, in the year 1885, That the Arabs rushed like a mountain torrent in full drive, And quickly attacked General M’Neill’s transport-zereba, But in a short time they were
The Inauguration of the Hill o' Balgay
Beautiful Hill o’ Balgay, With your green frees and flowers fair, ‘Tis health for the old and young For to be walking there, To breathe the fragrant air Emanating from the green bushes And
The City of Perth
Beautiful Ancient City of Perth, One of the fairest on the earth, With your stately mansions and scenery most fine, Which seems very beautiful in the summer time; And the beautiful silvery Tay, Rolling
The Battle of Cressy
‘Twas on the 26th of August, the sun was burning hot, In the year of 1346, which will never be forgot, Because the famous field of Cressy was slippery and gory, By the loss
Greenland's Icy Mountains
Greenland’s icy mountains are fascinating and grand, And wondrously created by the Almighty’s command; And the works of the Almighty there’s few can understand: Who knows but it might be a part of Fairyland?
Beautiful Comrie
Ye lovers of the picturesque, away, away! To beautiful Comrie and have a holiday; Aud bask in the sunahine and inhale the fragrant air Emanating from the woodlands and shrubberies there. The charming village
The Battle of Shina, in Africa, Fought in 1800
King Shuac, the Giant of Mizra, war did declare Against Ulva, King of Shina, telling him to prepare And be ready for to meet him in the fight, Which would commence the next morning
A Summary History of Lord Clive
About a hundred and fifty years ago, History relates it happened so, A big ship sailed from the shores of Britain Bound for India across the raging main. And many of the passengers did
The Battle of Abu Klea
Ye sons of Mars, come join with me, And sing in praise of Sir Herbert Stewart’s little army, That made ten thousand Arabs flee At the charge of the bayonet at Abu Klea. General
The Moon
Beautiful Moon, with thy silvery light, Thou seemest most charming to my sight; As I gaze upon thee in the sky so high, A tear of joy does moisten mine eye. Beautiful Moon, with
Little Popeet – the Lost Child
Near by the silent waters of the Mediterranean, And at the door of an old hut stood a coloured man, Whose dress was oriental in style and poor with wear, While adown his furrowed
Beautiful town of Montrose, I will now commence my lay, And I will write in praise of thee without dismay, And in spite of all your foes, L will venture to call thee Bonnie
McGonagall's Ode to the King
Oh! God, I thank Thee for restoring King Edward the Seventh’s health again, And let all his subjects throughout the Empire say Amen; May God guard him by night and day, At home and
Beautiful Rothesay
Beautiful Rothesay, your scenery is most grand, You cannot be surpassed in fair Scotland. Tis healthy for holiday makers, to go there, For the benefit of their health, by inhaling the pure air And
Grace Darling
As the night was beginning to close in one rough September day In the year of 1838, a steamer passed through the Fairway Between the Farne Islands and the coast, on her passage northwards;
Captain Teach alias Black Beard
Edward Teach was a native of Bristol, and sailed from that port On board a privateer, in search of sport, As one of the crew, during the French War in that station, And for
The Village of Tayport and Its Surroundings
All ye pleasure-seekers, where’er ye be, I pray ye all be advised by me, Go and visit Tayport on the banks o’ the Tay, And there ye can spend a pleasant holiday. The village
The Wreck of the Abercrombie Robinson
Twas in the year of 1842 and on the 27th of May That six Companies of the 91st Regiment with spirits light and gay, And forming the Second Battalion, left Naas without delay, Commanded
A Tale of Elsinore
A little child stood thinking, sorrowfully and ill at ease, In a forest beneath the branches of the tall pine trees – And his big brown eyes with tears seemed dim, While one soft
The Newport Railway
Success to the Newport Railway, Along the braes of the Silvery Tay, And to Dundee straghtway, Across the Railway Bridge o’ the Silvery Tay, Which was opened on the 12th of May, In the
The Burns Statue
This Statue, I must confess, is magnificent to see, And I hope will long be appreciated by the people of Dundee; It has been beautifully made by Sir John Steell, And I hope the
The Great Franchise Demonstration
‘Twas in the year of 1884, and on Saturday the 20th of September, Which the inhabitants of Dundee will long remember The great Liberal Franchise Demonstration, Which filled their minds with admiration. Oh! it
The Royal Review
All hail to the Empress of India, Great Britain’s Queen Long may she live in health, happy and serene That came from London, far away, To review the Scottish Volunteers in grand array: Most
Little Jamie
Ither laddies may ha’s finer claes, and may be better fed, But nane o’ them a’has sic a bonnie curly heid, O sie a blythe blink in their e’e, As my ain curly fair-hair’d
Saved by Music
At on time, in America, many years ago, Large gray wolves wont to wander to and fro; And from the farm yards they carried pigs and calves away, Which they devoured ravenously, without dismay.
The Nithsdale Widow and Her Son
‘Twas in the year of 1746, on a fine summer afternoon, When trees and flowers were in full bloom, That widow Riddel sat knitting stockings on a little rustic seat, Which her only son
The Battle of Gujrat
‘Twas in the year of 1849, and on the 20th of February, Lord Gough met and attacked Shere Sing right manfully. The Sikh Army numbered 40,000 in strength, And showing a front about two
The Late Sir John Ogilvy
Alas! Sir John Ogilvy is dead, aged eighty-seven, But I hope his soul is now in heaven; For he was a generous-hearted gentleman I am sure, And, in particular, very kind unto the poor.
The Battle of Glencoe
Twas in the month of October, and in the year of 1899, Which the Boers will remember for a very long time, Because by the British Army they received a crushing blow; And were
Adventures of King Robert the Bruce
King Robert the Bruce’s deadly enemy, John of Lorn, Joined the English with eight hundred Highlanders one morn, All strong, hardy, and active fearless mountaineers, But Bruce’s men attacked them with swords and spears.
Beautiful city of Edinburgh! Where the tourist can drown his sorrow By viewing your monuments and statues fine During the lovely summer-time. I’m sure it will his spirits cheer As Sir Walter Scott’s monument
General Gordon, the Hero of Khartoum
Alas! now o’er the civilised world there hangs a gloom For brave General Gordon, that was killed in Khartoum, He was a Christian hero, and a soldier of the Cross, And to England his
The Clepington Catastrophe
‘Twas on a Monday morning, and in the year of 1884, That a fire broke out in Bailie Bradford’s store, Which contained bales of jute and large quantities of waste, Which the brave firemen
The Burial of the Reverend Gilfillan
On the Gilfillan burial day, In the Hill o’ Balgay, It was a most solemn sight to see, Not fewer than thirty thousand people assembled in Dundee, All watching the funeral procession of Gilfillan
The Famous Tay Whale
‘TWAS in the month of December, and in the year l883, That a monster whale came to Dundee, Resolved for a few days to sport and play, And devour the small fishes in the
Death and Burial of Lord Tennyson
Alas! England now mourns for her poet that’s gone- The late and the good Lord Tennyson. I hope his soul has fled to heaven above, Where there is everlasting joy and love. He was
The Blind Girl
Kind Christians, pray list to me, And I’ll relate a sad story, Concerning a little blind girl, only nine years of age, Who lived with her father in a lonely cottage. Poor girl, she
The Funeral of the German Emperor
Ye sons of Germany, your noble Emperor William now is dead. Who oft great armies to battle hath led; He was a man beloved by his subjects all, Because he never tried them to
A Christmas Carol
Welcome, sweet Christmas, blest be the morn That Christ our Saviour was born! Earth’s Redeemer, to save us from all danger, And, as the Holy Record tells, born in a manger. Chorus Then ring,
Balmoral Castle
Beautiful Balmoral Castle, Most handsome to be seen, Highland home of the Empress of India, Great Britain’s Queen. Your woods and waters and Mountains high are most Beautiful to see, Near by Balmoral Castle
Annie Marshall the Foundling
Annie Marshall was a foundling, and lived in Downderry, And was trained up by a coast-guardsman, kind-hearted and merry And he loved Annie Marshall as dear as his life, And he resolved to make
Grif, of the Bloody Hand
In an immense wood in the south of Kent, There lived a band of robbers which caused the people discontent; And the place they infested was called the Weald, Where they robbed wayside travellers
The Death of Captain Ward
‘Twas about the beginning of the past century Billy Bowls was pressed into the British Navy, And conveyed on board the “Waterwitch” without delay, Scarce getting time to bid farewell to the villagers of
An Excursion Steamer Sunk in the Tay
‘Twas in the year of 1888, and on July the 14th day, That an alarming accident occurred in the River Tay. Which resulted in the sinking of the Tay Ferries’ Steamer “Dundee,” Which was
The Ashantee War
‘Twas in the year of 1874, and on New Year’s Day, The British Army landed at Elmina without dismay, And numbering in all, 1400 bayonets strong, And all along the Cape Coast they fearlessly
The Wreck of the Steamer Mohegan
Good people of high and low degree, I pray ye all to list to me, And I’ll relate a terrible tale of the sea Concerning the unfortunate steamer, Mohegan, That against the Manacles Rocks,
Hanchen, the Maid of the Mill
Near the village of Udorf, on the banks of the Rhine, There lived a miller and his family, once on a time; And there yet stands the mill in a state of decay, And
A Soldier's Reprieve
‘Twas in the United States of America some years ago An aged father sat at his fireside with his heart full of woe, And talking to his neighbour, Mr Allan, about his boy Bennie
A Tribute to Mr J. Graham Henderson, The World's Fair Judge
Thrice welcome home to Hawick, Mr J. Graham Henderson, For by your Scotch tweeds a great honour you have won; By exhibiting your beautiful tweeds at the World’s Fair You have been elected judge
A Requisition to the Queen
Smiths Buildings No. 19 Patons Lane, Dundee. Sept the 6th. 1877. Most August! Empress of India, and of great Britain the Queen, I most humbly beg your pardon, hoping you will not think it
The Battle of Sheriffmuir
‘Twas in the year 1715, and on the 10th of November, Which the people of Scotland have cause to remember; On that day the Earl of Mar left Perth bound for Sheriffmuir, At the
Beautiful Newport on the Braes o' the Silvery Tay
Bonnie Mary, the Maid o’ the Tay, Come! Let’s go, and have a holiday In Newport, on the braes o’ the silvery Tay, ‘Twill help to drive dull care away. The scenery there is
Robert Burns
Immortal Robert Burns of Ayr, There’s but few poets can with you compare; Some of your poems and songs are very fine: To “Mary in Heaven” is most sublime; And then again in your
Jack Honest, or the Widow and Her Son
Jack Honest was only eight years of age when his father died, And by the death of his father, Mrs Honest was sorely tried; And Jack was his father’s only joy and pride, And
Calamity in London
‘Twas in the year of 1897, and on the night of Christmas day, That ten persons’ lives were taken sway, By a destructive fire in London, at No. 9 Dixie Street, Alas! so great
Beautiful North Berwick
North Berwick is a watering-place with golfing links green, With a fine bathing beach most lovely to be seen; And there’s a large number of handsome villas also, And often it’s called the Scarborough
The Black Watch Memorial
Ye Sons of Mars, it gives me great content To think there has been erected a handsome monument In memory of the Black Watch, which is magnificent to see, Where they first were embodied
The Queen's Jubilee Celebrations
‘Twas in the year of 1897, and on the 22nd of June, Her Majesty’s Diamond Jubilee in London caused a great boom; Because high and low came from afar to see, The grand celebrations
The Christmas Goose
Mr. Smiggs was a gentleman, And he lived in London town; His wife she was a good kind soul, And seldom known to frown. ‘Twas on Christmas eve, And Smiggs and his wife lay
The Wreck of the Steamer London
‘Twas in the year of 1866, and on a very beautiful day, That eighty-two passengers, with spirits light and gay, Left Gravesend harbour, and sailed gaily away On board the steamship “London,” Bound for
The Death of Fred Marsden, the American Playwright
A pathetic tragedy I will relate, Concerning poor Fred. Marsden’s fate, Who suffocated himself by the fumes of gas, On the 18th of May, and in the year of 1888, alas! Fred. Marsden was
The Sunderland Calamity
‘Twas in the town of Sunderland, and in the year of 1883, That about 200 children were launch’d into eternity While witnessing an entertainment in Victoria Hall, While they, poor little innocents, to God
The Collision in the English Channel
‘Twas on a Sunday morning, and in the year of 1888, The steamer “Saxmundham,” laden with coal and coke for freight, Was run into amidships by the Norwegian barque “Nor,” And sunk in the
The Den o' Fowlis
Beautiful Den o’ Fowlis, most charming to be seen In the summer season, when your trees are green; Especially in the bright and clear month of June, When your flowere and shrubberies are in
Beautiful Edinburgh
Beautiful city of Edinburgh, most wonderful to be seen, With your ancient palace of Holyrood and Queen’s Park Green, And your big, magnificent, elegant New College, Where people from all nations can be taught
The Wreck of the Barque Lynton
A sad tale of the sea, I will unfold, About Mrs Lingard, that Heroine bold; Who struggled hard in the midst of the hurricane wild, To save herself from being drowned, and her darling
Loch Leven
Beautiful Loch Leven, near by Kinross For a good day’s fishing the angler is seldom at a loss, For the Loch it abounds with pike and trout, Which can be had for the catching
Lines in Praise of Mr. J. Graham Henderson, Hawick
Success to Mr J. Graham Henderson, who is a good man, And to gainsay it there’s few people can, I say so from my own experience, And experience is a great defence. He is
The Battle of Bannockburn
Sir Robert the Bruce at Bannockburn Beat the English in every wheel and turn, And made them fly in great dismay From off the field without delay. The English were a hundred thousand strong,
Wreck of the Schooner Samuel Crawford
‘Twas in the year of 1886, and on the 29th of November, Which the surviving crew of the “Samuel Crawford” will long remember, She was bound to Baltimore with a cargo of pine lumber;
A Tribute to Dr. Murison
Success to the good and skilful Dr Murison, For golden opinions he has won From his patients one and all, And from myself, McGonagall. He is very skilful and void of pride; He was
Bonnie Callander
Chorus Bonnie Helen, will you go to Callander with me And gaze upon its beauties and romantic scenery Dear Helen, it will help to drive all sorrow away; Therefore come, sweet Helen, and let’s
An Address to the New Tay Bridge
Beautiful new railway bridge of the Silvery Tay, With your strong brick piers and buttresses in so grand array, And your thirteen central girders, which seem to my eye Strong enough all windy storms
An Adventure in the Life of King James V of Scotland
On one occasion King James the Fifth of Scotland, when alone, in disguise, Near by the Bridge of Cramond met with rather a disagreeable surprise. He was attacked by five gipsy men without uttering
John Rouat the Fisherman
Margaret Simpson was the daughter of humble parents in the county of Ayr, With a comely figure, and face of beauty rare, And just in the full bloom of her womanhood, Was united to
The Demon Drink
Oh, thou demon Drink, thou fell destroyer; Thou curse of society, and its greatest annoyer. What hast thou done to society, let me think? I answer thou hast caused the most of ills, thou
The Rattling Boy from Dublin
I’m a rattling boy from Dublin town, I courted a girl called Biddy Brown, Her eyes they were as black as sloes, She had black hair and an aquiline nose. Chorus Whack fal de
The Sprig of Moss
There lived in Munich a poor, weakly youth, But for the exact date, I cannot vouch for the truth, And of seven of a family he was the elder, Who was named, by his
The Downfall of Delhi
‘Twas in the year of 1857 and on the 14th of September That the Sepoy rebels at Delhi were forced to surrender; The attack was first to be made by Brigadier Nicholson, And he
Beautiful Balmerino
Beautiful Balmermo on the bonnie banks of Tay, It’s a very bonnie spot in the months of June or May; The scenery there is charming and fascinating to see, Especially the surroundings of the
The First Grenadier of France
‘Twas in a certain regiment of French Grenadiers, A touching and beautiful custom was observed many years; Which was meant to commemorate the heroism of a departed comrade, And when the companies assembled for
The Battle of Alma
‘Twas on the heights of Alma the battle began. But the Russians turned and fled every man; Because Sir Colin Campbell’s Highland Brigade put them to flight, At the charge of the bayonet, which
The Great Yellow River Inundation in China
‘Twas in the year of 1887, and on the 28th of September, Which many people of Honan, in China, will long remember; Especially those that survived the mighty deluge, That fled to the mountains,
Bill Bowls the Sailor
‘Twas about the beginning of the present century, Bill Bowls was pressed, and sent to sea; And conveyed on board the Waterwitch without delay, Scarce getting time to bid farewell to the villagers of
A Tale of Christmas Eve
‘Twas Christmastide in Germany, And in the year of 1850, And in the city of Berlin, which is most beautiful to the eye; A poor boy was heard calling out to passers-by. “Who’ll buy
The Burning of the Ship Kent
Good people of high and low degree, I pray ye all to list to me, And I’ll relate a harrowing tale of the sea Concerning the burning of the ship “Kent” in the Bay
The Wreck of the Steamer Stella
‘Twas in the month of March and in the year of 1899, Which will be remembered for a very long time; The wreck of the steamer “Stella” that was wrecked on the Casquet Rocks,
The Inauguration of the University College
Good people of Dundee, your voices raise, And to Miss Baxter give great praise; Rejoice and sing and dance with glee, Because she has founded a College in Bonnie Dundee. Therefore loudly in her
Loch Ness
Beautiful Loch Ness, The truth to express, Your landscapes are lovely and gay, Along each side of your waters, to Fort Augustus all the way, Your scenery is romantic… With rocks and hills gigantic…
The Burning of the People's Variety Theatre, Aberdeen
‘Twas in the year of 1896, and on the 30th of September, Which many people in Aberdeen will long remember; The burning of the People’s Variety Theatre, in Bridge Place Because the fire spread
The Hero of Kalapore
The 27th Regiment has mutinied at Kalapore; That was the substance of a telegram, which caused great uproar, At Sattara, on the evening of the 8th of July, And when the British officers heard
Women's Suffrage
Fellow men! why should the lords try to despise And prohibit women from having the benefit of the parliamentary Franchise? When they pay the same taxes as you and me, I consider they ought
Descriptive Jottings of London
As I stood upon London Bridge and viewed the mighty throng Of thousands of people in cabs and ‘busses rapidly whirling along, All furiously driving to and fro, Up one street and down another
The Little Match Girl
It was biting cold, and the falling snow, Which filled a poor little match girl’s heart with woe, Who was bareheaded and barefooted, as she went along the street, Crying, “Who’ll buy my matches?
Broughty Ferry
Ancient Castle of Broughty Ferry With walls as strong as Londonderry; Near by the sea-shore, Where oft is heard and has been heard the cannon’s roar In the present day and days of yore,
Bonnie Montrose
Beautiful town of Montrose, I will now commence my lay, And I will write in praise of thee without dismay, And in spite of all your foes, I will venture to call thee Bonnie
The Execution of James Graham, Marquis of Montrose
‘Twas in the year of 1650, and on the twenty-first of May, The city of Edinburgh was put into a state of dismay By the noise of drums and trumpets, which on the air
The Hero of Rorke's Drift
Twas at the camp of Rorke’s Drift, and at tea-time, And busily engaged in culinary operations was a private of the line; But suddenly he paused, for he heard a clattering din, When instantly
The Funeral of the Late Prince Henry of Battenberg
Alas! Prince Henry of Battenberg is dead! And, I hope, has gone to heaven, its streets to tread, And to sing with God’s saints above, Where all is joy and peace and love. ‘Twas
A Descriptive Poem on the Silvery Tay
Beautiful silvery Tay, With your landscapes, so lovely and gay, Along each side of your waters, to Perth all the way; No other river in the world has got scenery more fine, Only I
General Roberts in Afghanistan
‘Twas in the year of 1878, and. the winter had set in, Lord Roberts and the British Army their march did begin, On their way to Afghanistan to a place called Cabul; And the
The Convict's Return
Ye mountains and glens of fair Scotland I’m with ye once again, During my absence from ye my heart was like to break in twain; Oh! How I longed to see you and the
A Tribute to Mr Murphy and the Blue Ribbon Army
All hail to Mr Murphy, he is a hero brave, That has crossed the mighty Atlantic wave, For what purpose let me pause and think- I answer, to warn the people not to taste
The Capture of Havana
‘Twas in the year 1762 that France and Spain Resolved, allied together, to crush Britain; But the British Army sailed from England in May, And arrived off Havana without any delay. And the British
The Destroying Angel
I dreamt a dream the other night That an Angel appeared to me, clothed in white. Oh! it was a beautiful sight, Such as filled my heart with delight. And in her hand she
An Autumn Reverie
Alas! Beautiful Summer now hath fled, And the face of Nature doth seem dead, And the leaves are withered, and falling off the trees, By the nipping and chilling autumnal breeze. The pleasures of
The Irish Convict's Return
Ye mountains and glens of Old Ireland, I’ve returned home to ye again; During my absence from ye My heart always felt great pain. Oh, how I long’d to see you dear Nora, And
The Wreck of the Barque Wm. Paterson of Liverpool
Ye landsmen all attend my verse, and I’ll tell to ye a tale Concerning the barque “Wm. Paterson” that was lost in a tempestuous gale; She was on a voyage from Bangkok to the
The Storming of the Dargai Heights
‘Twas on the 20th of November, and in the year of 1897, That the cheers of the Gordon Highlanders ascended to heaven, As they stormed the Dargai heights without delay, And made the Indian
The Battle of Omdurman
Ye Sons of Great Britain! come join with me And King in praise of the gallant British Armie, That behaved right manfully in the Soudan, At the great battle of Omdurman. ‘Twas in the
The Bonnie Sidlaw Hills
Bonnie Clara, will you go to the bonnie Sidlaw hills And pu’ the blooming heather, and drink from their rills? There the cranberries among the heather grow, Believe me, dear Clara, as black as
Little Pierre's Song
In a humble room in London sat a pretty little boy, By the bedside of his sick mother her only joy, Who was called Little Pierre, and who’s father was dead; There he sat
Nora, the Maid of Killarney
Down by the beautiful Lakes of Killarney, Off times I have met my own dear Barney, In the sweet summer time of the year, In the silvery moonlight so clear, I’ve rambled with my
Jenny Carrister, The Heroine of Lucknow-Mine
A heroic story I will unfold, Concerning Jenny Carrister, a heroine bold, Who lived in Australia, at a gold mine called Lucknow, And Jenny was beloved by the the miners, somehow. Jenny was the
The Death of Lord and Lady Dalhousie
Alas! Lord and Lady Dalhousie are dead, and buried at last, Which causes many people to feel a little downcast; And both lie side by side in one grave, But I hope God in
Beautiful Torquay
All ye lovers of the picturesque, away To beautiful Torquay and spend a holiday ‘Tis health for invalids for to go there To view the beautiful scenery and inhale the fragrant air, Especially in
Beautiful Village of Penicuik
The village of Penicuik, with its neighbouring spinning mills, Is most lovely to see, and the Pentland Hills; And though of a barren appearance and some parts steep, They are covered with fine pasture
The Battle of Atbara
Ye Sons of Great Britain, pray list to me, And I’ll tell ye of a great victory. Where the British defeated the Dervishes, without delay, At the Battle of Atbara, without dismay. The attack
Beautiful Aberfoyle
The mountains and glens of Aberfoyle are beautiful to sight, Likewise the rivers and lakes are sparkling and bright; And its woods were frequented by the Lady of the Lake, And on its Lakes
Beautiful Balmoral
Ye lovers of the picturesque, away and see Beautiful Balmoral, near by the River Dee; There ye will see the deer browsing on the heathery hills, While adown their sides run clear sparkling rills.
The Railway Bridge of the Silvery Tay
Beautiful Railway Bridge of the Silvery Tay! With your numerous arches and pillars in so grand array And your central girders, which seem to the eye To be almost towering to the sky. The
Young Munro the Sailor
‘Twas on a sunny morning in the month of May, I met a pretty damsel on the banks o’ the Tay; I said, My charming fair one, come tell to me I pray, Why
The Bonnie Lass o' Dundee
O’ a’ the toons that I’ve been in, I dearly love Dundee, It’s there the bonnie lassie lives, The lass I love to see. Her face is fair, broon is her hair, And dark
A Tribute to Henry M. Stanley
Welcome, thrice welcome, to the city of Dundee, The great African explorer Henry M Stanley, Who went out to Africa its wild regions to explore, And travelled o’er wild and lonely deserts, fatigued and
The Pennsylvania Disaster
‘Twas in the year of 1889, and in the month of June, Ten thousand people met with a fearful doom, By the bursting of a dam in Pennsylvania State, And were burned, and drowned
The Relief of Mafeking
Success to Colonel Baden-Powell and his praises loudly sing, For being so brave in relieving Mafeking, With his gallant little band of eight hundred men, They made the Boers fly from Mafeking like sheep
Lord Robert's Triumphal Entry into Pretoria
‘Twas in the year of 1900, and on the 5th of June, Lord Roberts entered Pretoria in the afternoon; His triumphal entry was magnificent to see, The British Army marching behind him fearlessly. With
The Miraculous Escape of Robert Allan, the Fireman
‘Twas in the year of 1858, and on October the fourteenth day, That a fire broke out in a warehouse, and for hours blazed away; And the warehouse, now destroyed, was occupied by the
The Death of the Rev. Dr. Wilson
‘Twas in the year of 1888 and on the 17th of January That the late Rev. Dr. Wilson’s soul fled away; The generous-hearted Dr. had been ailing for some time, But death, with his
The Burial of Mr. Gladstone
Alas! the people now do sigh and moan For the loss of Wm. Ewart Gladstone, Who was a very great politician and a moral man, And to gainsay it there’s few people can. ‘Twas
Jottings of New York
Oh, mighty city of New York, you are wonderful to behold Your buildings are magnificent the truth be it told They were the only thing that seemed to arrest my eye, Because many of
The Beautiful Sun
Beautiful Sun! with thy golden rays, To God, the wise Creator, be all praise; For thou nourisheth all the creation, Wherever there is found to be animation. Without thy heat we could not live,
The Battle of Alexandria
It was on the 21st of March in the year of 1801, The British were at their posts every man; And their position was naturally very strong, And the whole line from sea to
The Terrific Cyclone of 1893
‘Twas in the year of 1893, and on the 17th and 18th of November, Which the people of Dundee and elsewhere will long remember, The terrific cyclone that blew down trees, And wrecked many
The Death of the Old Mendicant
There was a rich old gentleman Lived on a lonely moor in Switzerland, And he was very hard to the wandering poor, ‘Tis said he never lodged nor served them at his door. ‘Twas
The Tay Bridge Disaster
Beautiful Railway Bridge of the Silv’ry Tay! Alas! I am very sorry to say That ninety lives have been taken away On the last Sabbath day of 1879, Which will be remember’d for a
Oh! beautiful Oban with your lovely bay, Your surroundings are magnificent on a fine summer-day; There the lover of the picturesque can behold, As the sun goes down, the scenery glittering like gold. And
The Wreck of the Indian Chief
‘Twas on the 8th of January 1881, That a terrific gale along the English Channel ran, And spread death and disaster in its train, Whereby the “Indian Chief” vessel was tossed on the raging
Attempted Assassination of the Queen
God prosper long our noble Queen, And long may she reign! Maclean he tried to shoot her, But it was all in vain. For God He turned the ball aside Maclean aimed at her
Lost in the Prairie
In one of fhe States of America, some years ago, There suddenly came on a violent storm of snow, Which was nearly the death of a party of workmen, Who had finished their day’s
The scenery of Baldovan Is most lovely to see, Near by Dighty Water, Not far from Dundee. ‘Tis health for any one To be walking there, O’er the green swards of Baldovan, And in
Saving a Train
‘Twas in the year of 1869, and on the 19th of November, Which the people in Southern Germany will long remember, The great rain-storm which for twenty hours did pour down, That the rivers
The Tragic Death of the Rev. A. H. Mackonochie
Friends of humanity, of high and low degree, I pray ye all come listen to me; And truly I will relate to ye, The tragic fate of the Rev. Alexander Heriot Mackonochie. Who was
Beautiful Monikie
Beautiful Monikie! with your trees and shrubberies green And your beautiful walks, most charming to be seen: ‘Tis a beautiful place for pleasure-seekers to resort, Because there they can have innocent sport, Taking a
The Death of Prince Leopold
Alas! noble Prince Leopold, he is dead! Who often has his lustre shed: Especially by singing for the benefit of Esher School, Which proves he was a wise prince. and no conceited fool. Methinks
The Kessack Ferry-Boat Fatality
‘Twas on Friday the 2nd of March, in the year of 1894, That the Storm Fiend did loudly laugh and roar Along the Black Isle and the Kessack Ferry shore, Whereby six men were
Beautiful Crief
Ye lovers of the picturesque, if ye wish to drown your grief, Take my advice, and visit the ancient town of Crieff; The climate is bracing, and the walks lovely to see. Besides, ye
To Mr James Scrymgeour, Dundee
Success to James Scrymgeour, He’s a very good man, And to gainsay it, There’s few people can; Because he makes the hearts Of the poor o’erjoyed By trying to find work for them When
The Wreck of the Columbine
Kind Christians, all pay attention to me, And Miss Mouat’s sufferings I’ll relate to ye; While on board the Columbine, on the merciless sea, Tossing about in the darkness of night in the storm
The Battle of Tel-el-Kebir
Ye sons of Great Britain, come join with me, And sing in praise of Sir Garnet Wolseley; Sound drums and trumpets cheerfully, For he has acted most heroically. Therefore loudly his praises sing Until
The Battle of the Nile
‘Twas on the 18th of August in the year of 1798, That Nelson saw with inexpressible delight The City of Alexandria crowded with the ships of France, So he ordered all sail to be
Beautiful city of Glasgow, with your streets so neat and clean, Your stateley mansions, and beautiful Green! Likewise your beautiful bridges across the River Clyde, And on your bonnie banks I would like to
The Troubles of Matthew Mahoney
In a little town in Devonshire, in the mellow September moonlight, A gentleman passing along a street saw a pitiful sight, A man bending over the form of a woman on the pavement. He
The Albion Battleship Calamity
‘Twas in the year of 1898, ond on the 21st of June, The launching of the Battleship Albion caused a great gloom, Amongst the relatives of many persons who were drowned in the River
An Address to Shakespeare
Immortal! William Shakespeare, there’s none can you excel, You have drawn out your characters remarkably well, Which is delightful for to see enacted upon the stage For instance, the love-sick Romeo, or Othello, in
An All-Night Sea Fight
Ye sons of Mars, come list to me, And I will relate to ye A great and heroic naval fight, Which will fill your hearts with delight. The fight was between the French Frigate
The Death of the Queen
Alas! our noble and generous Queen Victoria is dead, And I hope her soul to Heaven has fled, To sing and rejoice with saints above, Where ah is joy, peace, and love. ‘Twas on
An Address to the Rev. George Gilfillan
All hail to the Rev. George Gilfillan of Dundee, He is the greatest preacher I did ever hear or see. He is a man of genius bright, And in him his congregation does delight,
The Battle of Culloden
‘Twas in the year of 1746, and in April the 14th day, That Prince Charles Stuart and his army marched on without delay, And on the 14th of April they encamped on Culloden Moor,
The Bonnie Lass o' Ruily
‘Twas in the village of Ruily there lived a bonnie lass With red, pouting lips which few lasses could surpass, And her eyes were as azure the blue sky, Which caused Donald McNeill to
Lines in Praise of Tommy Atkins
Success to Tommy Atkins, he’s a very brave man, And to deny it there’s few people can; And to face his foreign foes he’s never afraid, Therefore he’s not a beggar, as Rudyard Kipling
A gallant knight and his betroth’d bride, Were walking one day by a river side, They talk’d of love, and they talk’d of war, And how very foolish lovers are. At length the bride
The Capture of Lucknow
‘Twas near the Begum Kothie the battle began, Where innocent blood as plentiful as water ran; The Begum Kothie was a place of honour given to the 93rd, Which heroically to a man they
The Crucifixion of Christ
Composed, by Special Request, 18th June 1890 Then Pilate, the Roman Governor, took Jesus and scourged Him, And the soldiers platted a crown of thorns, and thought it no sin To put it on
The Castle of Mains
Ancient Castle of the Mains, With your romantic scenery and surrounding plains, Which seem most beautiful to the eye, And the little rivulet running by, Which the weary traveller can drink of when he
The Heatherblend Club Banquet
‘Twas on the 16th of October, in the year 1894, I was invited to Inverness, not far from the sea shore, To partake of a banquet prepared by the Heatherblend Club, Gentlemen who honoured
Bonnie Dundee in 1878
Oh, Bonnie Dundee! I will sing in thy praise A few but true simple lays, Regarding some of your beauties of the present day And virtually speaking, there’s none can them gainsay; There’s no
The Sorrows of the Blind
Pity the sorrows of the poor blind, For they can but little comfort find; As they walk along the street, They know not where to put their feet. They are deprived of that earthly
The Battle of El-Teb
Ye sons of Great Britain, I think no shame To write in praise of brave General Graham! Whose name will be handed down to posterity without any stigma, Because, at the battle of El-Teb,
The Loss of the Victoria
Alas! Now o’er Britannia there hangs a gloom, Because over 400 British Tars have met with a watery tomb; Who served aboard the ” Victoria,” the biggest ship in the navy, And one of
Lines in Praise of the Lyric Club Banquet
Which was Held in the Queens Hotel, Perth, on the Evening of 5th September 1894 ‘Twas in the year of 1894, and on the 5th of September, Which for a long time I will
Loch Katrine
Beautiful Loch Katrine in all thy majesty so grand, Oh! how charming and fascinating is thy silver strand! Thou certainly art most lovely, and worthy to be seen, Especially thy beautiful bay and shrubberies
The River of Leith
As I stood upon the Dean Bridge and viewed the beautiful scenery, I felt fascinated and my heart was full of glee, And I exclaimed in an ecstasy of delight, In all my travels
Burning of the Exeter Theatre
‘Twas in the year of 1887, which many people will long remember, The burning of the Theatre at Exeter on the 5th of September, Alas! that ever-to-be-remembered and unlucky night, When one hundred and
The Summary History of Sir William Wallace
Sir William Wallace of Ellerslie, I’m told he went to the High School in Dundee, For to learn to read and write, And after that he learned to fight, While at the High School
The Burning of the Steamer City of Montreal
A sad tale of the sea I will relate, which will your hearts appal Concerning the burning of the steamship “City of Montreal,” Which had on board two hundred and forty-nine souls in all,
The Battle of Corunna
‘Twas in the year of 1808, and in the autumn of the year, Napoleon resolved to crush Spain and Portugal without fear; So with a mighty army three hundred thousand strong Through the passes