Home ⇒ 📌Vladimir Mayakovsky ⇒ You
You came –
Because I was large,
Because I was roaring,
But on close inspection
You saw a mere boy.
You seized
And snatched away my heart
And began
To play with it –
Like a girl with a bouncing ball.
And before this miracle
Every woman
Was either a lady astounded
Or a maiden inquiring:
“Love such a fellow?
Why, he’ll pounce on you!
She must be a lion tamer,
A girl from the zoo!”
But I was triumphant.
I didn’t feel it –
The yoke!
Oblivious with joy,
I jumped
And leapt about, a bride-happy redskin,
I felt so elated
And light.
Transcribed: by Mitch Abidor.

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