The Invitation
Haste! Sylvia! haste, my charming Maid!
Let’s leave these fashionable toys;
Let’s seek the shelter of some shade,
And revel in ne’er fading joys.
See spring in liv’ry gay appears,
And winter’s chilly blasts are fled;
Each grove its leafy honours rears,
And meads their lovely verdure spread!
Yes Damon, glad I’ll quit the town,
Its gaities now languid seem;
Then sweets to luxury unknown
We’ll taste, and sip th’ untainted stream.
In Summer’s sultry noon-tide heat,
I’ll lead thee to the shady grove;
There hush thy cares, or pleas’d repeat
Those vows that won my soul to love.
When o’er the mountain peeps the dawn,
And round her ruddy beauties play,
I’ll wake my Love to view the lawn,
Or hear the warblers hall the day.
But, without thee, the rising morn
In vain does nature’s face adorn;
Without my Sylvia nought can please.
At night, when universal gloom
Hides the bright prospect from our view,
When the gay groves give up their bloom,
And verdant meads their lovely hue;
Tho’ fleeting spectres round me move,
When in thy circling arms I’m prest,
I’ll hush my rising fears with love,
And sink in slumber on thy breast.
The new-blown rose, whilst on its leaves
Yet the bright scented dew-drops found,
Pleas’d on thy bosom, whilst it heaves,
Shall shake its heav’nly fragrance round.
Then mingled sweets the sense shall raise,
Then mingled beauties catch the eye;
What pleasure on such charms to gaze!
What rapture mid such sweets to lie!
How sweet thy words! but, Damon cease,
Nor strive to fix me ever here;
Too well you know these accents please,
That oft have fill’d my ravish’d ear.
Come, lead me to these promis’d joys,
That dwelt so lately on thy tongue;
Direct me by thy well known voice,
And calm my transports with thy song!

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