Home ⇒ 📌Sir Philip Sidney ⇒ Sonnet XXII: In Highest Way of Heav'n
Sonnet XXII: In Highest Way of Heav'n
In highest way of heav’n the Sun did ride,
Progressing then from fair twins’ golden place:
Having no scarf of clouds before his face,
But shining forth of heat in his chief pride;
When some fair ladies by hard promise tied,
On horseback met him in his furious race,
Yet each prepar’d with fan’s well-shading grace
From that foe’s wounds their tender skins to hide.
Stella alone with face unarmed march’d.
Either to do like him which open shone,
Or careless of the wealth because her own:
Yet were the hid and meaner beauties parch’d,
Her daintiest bare went free; the cause was this,
The Sun, which others burn’d, did her but kiss.

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- Sonnet XXXIX: Come, Sleep! Come Sleep! O Sleep, the certain knot of peace, The baiting-place of wit, the balm of woe, The poor man’s wealth, the prisoner’s release, Th’ indifferent judge between the high and low. With shield of proof shield me from out the prease Of those fierce darts despair at me doth throw: O make in me […]...
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- On Stella's Birth-Day 1719 Stella this Day is thirty four, (We shan’t dispute a Year or more) However Stella, be not troubled, Although thy Size and Years are doubled, Since first I saw Thee at Sixteen The brightest Virgin on the Green, So little is thy Form declin’d Made up so largely in thy Mind. Oh, woud it please […]...
- Stella's Birthday March 13, 1719 Stella this day is thirty-four, (We shan’t dispute a year or more:) However, Stella, be not troubled, Although thy size and years are doubled, Since first I saw thee at sixteen, The brightest virgin on the green; So little is thy form declin’d; Made up so largely in thy mind. Oh, would it please the […]...
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