A Supplement of an Imperfect Copy of Verses of Mr. William
One of her hands one of her cheeks lay under,
Cosening the pillow of a lawful kiss,
Which therefore swell’d, and seem’d to part asunder,
As angry to be robb’d of such a bliss!
The one look’d pale and for revenge did long,
While t’other blush’d, ’cause it had done the wrong.
Out of the bed the other fair hand was
On a green satin quilt, whose perfect white
Look’d like a daisy in a field of grass,
And show’d like unmelt snow unto the sight;
There lay this pretty perdue, safe to keep
The rest o’ th’ body that lay fast asleep.
Her eyes (and therefore it was night), close laid
Strove to imprison beauty till the morn:
But yet the doors were of such fine stuff made,
That it broke through, and show’d itself in scorn,
Throwing a kind of light about the place,
Which turn’d to smiles still, as’t came near her face.
Her beams, which some dull men call’d hair, divided,
Part with her cheeks, part with her lips did sport.
But these, as rude, her breath put by still; some
Wiselier downwards sought, but falling short,
Curled back in rings, and seemed to turn again
To bite the part so unkindly held them in.

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