Do you believe, in what you see
Do you believe in reality
Do you believe in the sun that’s bright
Do you believe in the stars in the night
Do you believe in the birds that fly
Do you believe in clouds and the sky
Do you believe in wind that flows
Do you believe in moon that glows
Do you believe in light
Do you believe the spoken word
Do you believe the things you’ve heard
Do you believe in the final answer
Do you believe in the swirling dancer
Do you believe in sound and sight
Do you believe in moments bright
Do you believe in taste and touch
Do you believe that much
Do you believe in the soul inside
Do you believe in ecstasy and delight
Do you believe in glory and god
Do you believe in that thought
Do you believe in the sky above
Do you believe in love
Do you believe in the heaven and the earth
Do you believe in death and birth
Do you believe in life
Open your eyes with hope within
Open the door, let light reach in
If you believe, then you’ll win

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