Home ⇒ 📌Robert Seymour Bridges ⇒ Nimium Fortunatus
Nimium Fortunatus
I have lain in the sun
I have toil’d as I might,
I have thought as I would,
And now it is night.
My bed full of sleep,
My heart full of content
For friends that I met
The way that I went.
I welcome fatigue
While frenzy and care
Like thin summer clouds
Go melting in air.
To dream as I may
And awake when I will
With the song of the birds
And the sun on the hill.
Or death – were it death –
To what would I wake
Who loved in my home
All life for its sake?
What good have I wrought?
I laugh to have learned
That joy cannot come
Unless it be earned;
For a happier lot
Than God giveth me
It never hath been
Nor ever shall be.

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