Rainer Maria Rilke
From The Tenth Elegy
Ah, but the City of Pain: how strange its streets are: The false silence of sound drowning sound, And there proud, brazen, effluence from the mold of emptiness The gilded hubbub, the bursting monument.
Lady On A Balcony
Suddenly she steps, wrapped into the wind, Brightly into brightness, as if singled out, While now the room as though cut to fit Behind her fills the door Darkly like the ground of cameo,
Archaic Torso Of Apollo
We cannot know his legendary head With eyes like ripening fruit. And yet his torso Is still suffused with brilliance from inside, Like a lamp, in which his gaze, now turned to low, Gleams
Fire's Reflection
Perhaps it’s no more than the fire’s reflection On some piece of gleaming furniture That the child remembers so much later Like a revelation. And if in his later life, one day Wounds him
Early Spring
Harshness vanished. A sudden softness Has replaced the meadows’ wintry grey. Little rivulets of water changed Their singing accents. Tendernesses, Hesitantly, reach toward the earth From space, and country lanes are showing These unexpected
The Lovers
See how in their veins all becomes spirit; Into each other they mature and grow. Like axles, their forms tremblingly orbit, Round which it whirls, bewitching and aglow. Thirsters, and they receive drink, Watchers,
The Sonnets To Orpheus: I
A tree ascended there. Oh pure transendence! Oh Orpheus sings! Oh tall tree in the ear! And all things hushed. Yet even in that silence A new beginning, beckoning, change appeared. Creatures of stillness
Take me by the hand; It’s so easy for you, Angel, For you are the road Even while being immobile. You see, I’m scared no one Here will look for me again; I couldn’t
Dedication To M
Swing of the heart. O firmly hung, fastened on what Invisible branch. Who, who gave you the push, That you swung with me into the leaves? How near I was to the exquisite fruits.
Telling You All
Telling you all would take too long. Besides, we read in the Bible How the good is harmful And how misfortune is good. Let’s invite something new By unifying our silences; If, then and
Duino Elegies: The Fourth Elegy
O trees of life, oh, what when winter comes? We are not of one mind. Are not like birds In unison migrating. And overtaken, Overdue, we thrust ourselves into the wind And fall to
Venetian Morning
Windows pampered like princes always see What on occasion deigns to trouble us: The city that, time and again, where a shimmer Of sky strikes a feeling of floodtide, Takes shape without once choosing
On Hearing Of A Death
We lack all knowledge of this parting. Death Does not deal with us. We have no reason To show death admiration, love or hate; His mask of feigned tragic lament gives us A false
The Future
The future: time’s excuse To frighten us; too vast A project, too large a morsel For the heart’s mouth. Future, who won’t wait for you? Everyone is going there. It suffices you to deepen
The Sonnets To Orpheus: X
You who are close to my heart always, I welcome you, ancient coffins of stone, Which the cheerful water of Roman days Still flows through, like a wandering song. Or those other ones that
The Song Of The Blindman
I am blind, you out there that is a curse, Against one’s will, a contradiction, A heavy daily burden. I lay my hand on the arm of my wife, My grey hand upon her
Growing Old
In some summers there is so much fruit, The peasants decide not to reap any more. Not having reaped you, oh my days, My nights, have I let the slow flames Of your lovely
Spanish Dancer
As in one’s hand a lighted match blinds you before It comes aflame and sends out brilliant flickering Tongues to every side so, within the ring of the Spectators, her dance begins in hasty,
The Song Of The Widow
In the beginning life was good to me; It held me warm and gave me courage. That this is granted all while in their youth, How could I then have known of this. I
The Apple Orchard
Come let us watch the sun go down And walk in twilight through the orchard’s green. Does it not seem as if we had for long Collected, saved and harbored within us Old memories?
Sense Of Something Coming
I am like a flag in the center of open space. I sense ahead the wind which is coming, and must live It through. While the things of the world still do not move:
The Wait
It is life in slow motion, It’s the heart in reverse, It’s a hope-and-a-half: Too much and too little at once. It’s a train that suddenly Stops with no station around, And we can
Herr, Es Ist Zeit
Herr: es ist Zeit. Der Sommer war sehr groЯ. Leg deinen Schatten auf die Sonnenuhren, Und auf den Fluren laЯ die Winde los. Befiehl den letzten Früchten voll zu sein; Gieb innen noch zwei
The Sonnets To Orpheus: Book 2: VI
Rose, you majesty-once, to the ancients, you were Just a calyx with the simplest of rims. But for us, you are the full, the numberless flower, The inexhaustible countenance. In your wealth you seem
To Music
Music: breathing of statues. Perhaps: Silence of paintings. You language where all language Ends. You time Standing vertically on the motion of mortal hearts. Feelings for whom? O you the transformation Of feelings into
Falling Stars
Do you remember still the falling stars That like swift horses through the heavens raced And suddenly leaped across the hurdles Of our wishes do you recall? And we Did make so many! For
Song Of The Orphan
I am no one and never will be anyone, For I am far too small to claim to be; Not even later. Mothers and Fathers, Take pity on me. I fear it will not
Duino Elegies: The Tenth Elegy
That some day, emerging at last from the terrifying vision I may burst into jubilant praise to assenting angels! That of the clear-struck keys of the heart not one may fail To sound because
Water Lily
My whole life is mine, but whoever says so Will deprive me, for it is infinite. The ripple of water, the shade of the sky Are mine; it is still the same, my life.
Blank Joy
She who did not come, wasn’t she determined Nonetheless to organize and decorate my heart? If we had to exist to become the one we love, What would the heart have to create? Lovely
Come thou, thou last one, whom I recognize, Unbearable pain throughout this body’s fabric: As I in my spirit burned, see, I now burn in thee: The wood that long resisted the advancing flames
Night (This night, agitated by the growing storm)
This night, agitated by the growing storm, How it has suddenly expanded its dimensions, That ordinarily would have gone unnoticed, Like a cloth folded, and hidden in the folds of time. Where the stars
The Voices
The rich and fortunate do well to keep silent, For no one cares to know who and what they are. But those in need must reveal themselves, Must say: I am blind, Or: I’m
It would be good to give much thought, before You try to find words for something so lost, For those long childhood afternoons you knew That vanished so completely and why? We’re still reminded
High above he stands, beside the many Saintly figures fronting the cathedral’s Gothic tympanum, close by the window Called the rose, and looks astonished at his Own deification which placed him there. Erect and
Interior Portrait
You don’t survive in me Because of memories; Nor are you mine because Of a lovely longing’s strength. What does make you present Is the ardent detour That a slow tenderness Traces in my
The Sonnets To Orpheus: Book 2: I
Breathing: you invisible poem! Complete Interchange of our own Essence with world-space. You counterweight In which I rythmically happen. Single wave-motion whose Gradual sea I am: You, most inclusive of all our possible seas-
What Birds Plunge Through Is Not The Intimate Space
What birds plunge through is not the intimate space, In which you see all Forms intensified. (In the Open, denied, you would lose yourself, Would disappear into that vastness.) Space reaches from us and
Woman In Love
That is my window. Just now I have so softly wakened. I thought that I would float. How far does my life reach, And where does the night begin I could think that everything
The Song Of The Beggar
I am always going from door to door, Whether in rain or heat, And sometimes I will lay my right ear in The palm of my right hand. And as I speak my voice
Exposed On The Cliffs Of The Heart
Exposed on the cliffs of the heart. Look, how tiny down there, Look: the last village of words and, higher, (but how tiny) still one last Farmhouse of feeling. Can you see it? Exposed
Look how she stands, high on the steep facade Of the cathedral, near the window-rose, Simply, holding in her hand the apple, Judged for all time as the guiltless-guilty For the growing fruit her
Only mouths are we. Who sings the distant heart Which safely exists in the center of all things? His giant heartbeat is diverted in us Into little pulses. And his giant grief Is, like
Duino Elegies: The First Elegy
Who, if I cried out, would hear me among the angels’ Hierarchies? and even if one of them suddenly Pressed me against his heart, I would perish In the embrace of his stronger existence.
Little Tear-Vase
Other vessels hold wine, other vessels hold oil Inside the hollowed-out vault circumscribed by their clay. I, as smaller measure, and as the slimmest of all, Humbly hollow myself so that just a few
You Who Never Arrived
You who never arrived In my arms, Beloved, who were lost From the start, I don’t even know what songs Would please you. I have given up trying To recognize you in the surging
What Fields Are As Fragrant As Your Hands?
What fields are as fragrant as your hands? You feel how external fragrance stands Upon your stronger resistance. Stars stand in images above. Give me your mouth to soften, love; Ah, your hair is
Again And Again, However We Know The Landscape Of Love
Again and again, however we know the landscape of love And the little churchyard there, with its sorrowing names, And the frighteningly silent abyss into which the others Fall: again and again the two
The Swan
This laboring through what is still undone, As though, legs bound, we hobbled along the way, Is like the akward walking of the swan. And dying-to let go, no longer feel The solid ground
For Hans Carossa
Losing too is still ours; and even forgetting Still has a shape in the kindgdom of transformation. When something’s let go of, it circles; and though we are rarely the center Of the circle,
Going Blind
She sat just like the others at the table. But on second glance, she seemed to hold her cup A little differently as she picked it up. She smiled once. It was almost painful.
World Was In The Face Of The Beloved
World was in the face of the beloved, But suddenly it poured out and was gone: World is outside, world can not be grasped. Why didn’t I, from the full, beloved face As I
The Last Supper
They are assembled, astonished and disturbed Round him, who like a sage resolved his fate, And now leaves those to whom he most belonged, Leaving and passing by them like a stranger. The loneliness
The Sonnets To Orpheus: XXV
But you now, dear girl, whom I loved like a flower whose name I didn’t know, you who so early were taken away: I will once more call up your image and show it
The Sisters
Look how the same possibilities Unfold in their opposite demeanors, As though one saw different ages Passing through two identical rooms. Each thinks that she props up the other, While resting wearily on her
As Once The Winged Energy Of Delight
As once the winged energy of delight Carried you over childhood’s dark abysses, Now beyond your own life build the great Arch of unimagined bridges. Wonders happen if we can succeed In passing through
The Sonnets To Orpheus: Book 2: XXIII
Call to me to the one among your moments That stands against you, ineluctably: Intimate as a dog’s imploring glance But, again, forever, turned away When you think you’ve captured it at last. What
Lament (Whom will you cry to, heart?)
Whom will you cry to, heart? More and more lonely, Your path struggles on through incomprehensible Mankind. All the more futile perhaps For keeping to its direction, Keeping on toward the future, Toward what
Before Summer Rain
Suddenly, from all the green around you, Something-you don’t know what-has disappeared; You feel it creeping closer to the window, In total silence. From the nearby wood You hear the urgent whistling of a
You, You Only, Exist
You, you only, exist. We pass away, till at last, Our passing is so immense That you arise: beautiful moment, In all your suddenness, Arising in love, or enchanted In the contraction of work.
A Walk
My eyes already touch the sunny hill. Going far ahead of the road I have begun. So we are grasped by what we cannot grasp; It has inner light, even from a distance- And
In The Beginning
Ever since those wondrous days of Creation Our Lord God sleeps: we are His sleep. And He accepted this in His indulgence, Resigned to rest among the distant stars. Our actions stopped Him from
The Sonnets To Orpheus: IV
O you tender ones, walk now and then Into the breath that blows coldly past, Upon your cheeks let it tremble and part; Behind you it will tremble together again. O you blessed ones,
To Lou Andreas-Salome
I held myself too open, I forgot That outside not just things exist and animals Fully at ease in themselves, whose eyes Reach from their lives’ roundedness no differently Than portraits do from frames;
Autumn Day
Four Translations Lord: it is time. The summer was immense. Lay your shadow on the sundials And let loose the wind in the fields. Bid the last fruits to be full; Give them another
To Say Before Going To Sleep
I would like to sing someone to sleep, Have someone to sit by and be with. I would like to cradle you and softly sing, Be your companion while you sleep or wake. I
The Neighbor
Strange violin, why do you follow me? In how many foreign cities did you Speak of your lonely nights and those of mine. Are you being played by hundreds? Or by one? Do in
The Sonnets To Orpheus: XIX
Though the world keeps changing its form As fast as a cloud, still What is accomplished falls home To the Primeval. Over the change and the passing, Larger and freer, Soars your eternal song,
Love Song
How can I keep my soul in me, so that It doesn’t touch your soul? How can I raise It high enough, past you, to other things? I would like to shelter it, among
Child In Red
Sometimes she walks through the village in her little red dress All absorbed in restraining herself, And yet, despite herself, she seems to move According to the rhythm of her life to come. She
The sky puts on the darkening blue coat Held for it by a row of ancient trees; You watch: and the lands grow distant in your sight, One journeying to heaven, one that falls;
The Poet
O hour of my muse: why do you leave me, Wounding me by the wingbeats of your flight? Alone: what shall I use my mouth to utter? How shall I pass my days? And
Greek Love-Talk
What I have already learned as a lover, I see you, beloved, learning angrily; Then for you it distantly departed, Now your destiny stands in all the stars. Over your breasts we will together
How I have felt that thing that’s called ‘to part’, And feel it still: a dark, invincible, Cruel something by which what was joined so well Is once more shown, held out, and torn
Slumber Song
Some day, if I should ever lose you, Will you be able then to go to sleep Without me softly whispering above you Like night air stirring in the linden tree? Without my waking
Slowly the west reaches for clothes of new colors Which it passes to a row of ancient trees. You look, and soon these two worlds both leave you One part climbs toward heaven, one
How my body blooms from every vein More fragrantly, since you appeard to me; Look, I walk slimmer now and straighter, And all you do is wait-:who are you then? Look: I feel how
And you wait, keep waiting for that one thing Which would infinitely enrich your life: The powerful, uniquely uncommon, The awakening of dormant stones, Depths that would reveal you to yourself. In the dusk
The Panther
His vision, from the constantly passing bars, Has grown so weary that it cannot hold Anything else. It seems to him there are A thousand bars and behind the bars, no world. As he
Night (O you whose countenance)
Night. O you whose countenance, dissolved In deepness, hovers above my face. You who are the heaviest counterweight To my astounding contemplation. Night, that trembles as reflected in my eyes, But in itself strong;
The Sonnets To Orpheus: Book 2: XIII
Be ahead of all parting, as though it already were Behind you, like the winter that has just gone by. For among these winters there is one so endlessly winter That only by wintering
Solemn Hour
Whoever now weeps somewhere in the world, Weeps without reason in the world, Weeps over me. Whoever now laughs somewhere in the night, Laughs without reason in the night, Laughs at me. Whoever now
Song Of The Sea
(Capri, Piccola Marina) Timeless sea breezes, Sea-wind of the night: You come for no one; If someone should wake, He must be prepared How to survive you. Timeless sea breezes, That for aeons have
Encircled by her arms as by a shell, She hears her being murmur, While forever he endures The outrage of his too pure image… Wistfully following their example, Nature re-enters herself; Contemplating its own
Being apart and lonely is like rain. It climbs toward evening from the ocean plains; From flat places, rolling and remote, it climbs To heaven, which is its old abode. And only when leaving
Extinguish Thou My Eyes
Extinguish Thou my eyes:I still can see Thee, Deprive my ears of sound:I still can hear Thee, And without feet I still can come to Thee, And without voice I still can call to
I have great faith in all things not yet spoken. I want my deepest pious feelings freed. What no one yet has dared to risk and warrant Will be for me a challenge I
Along The Sun-Drenched Roadside
Along the sun-drenched roadside, from the great Hollow half-treetrunk, which for generations Has been a trough, renewing in itself An inch or two of rain, I satisfy My thirst: taking the water’s pristine coolness
The Unicorn
The saintly hermit, midway through his prayers Stopped suddenly, and raised his eyes to witness The unbelievable: for there before him stood The legendary creature, startling white, that Had approached, soundlessly, pleading with his
Piano Practice
The summer hums. The afternoon fatigues; She breathed her crisp white dress distractedly And put into it that sharply etched etude Her impatience for a reality That could come: tomorrow, this evening, That perhaps
Lament (O how all things are far removed)
O how all things are far removed And long have passed away. I do believe the star, Whose light my face reflects, Is dead and has been so For many thousand years. I had
Evening Love Song
Ornamental clouds Compose an evening love song; A road leaves evasively. The new moon begins A new chapter of our nights, Of those frail nights We stretch out and which mingle With these black
Encounter In The Chestnut Avenue
He felt the entrance’s green darkness Wrapped cooly round him like a silken cloak That he was still accepting and arranging; When at the opposite transparent end, far off, Through green sunlight, as through
What Survives
Who says that all must vanish? Who knows, perhaps the flight Of the bird you wound remains, And perhaps flowers survive Caresses in us, in their ground. It isn’t the gesture that lasts, But
Girl's Lament
In the years when we were All children, this inclining To be alone so much was gentle; Others’ time passed fighting, And one had one’s faction, One’s near, one’s far-off place, A path, an
(From the diaries of Malte Laurids Brigge) You, whom I do not tell that all night long I lie weeping, Whose very being makes me feel wanting Like a cradle. You, who do not
Moving Forward
The deep parts of my life pour onward, As if the river shores were opening out. It seems that things are more like me now, That I can see farther into paintings. I feel
Interior of the hand. Sole that has come to walk Only on feelings. That faces upward And in its mirror Receives heavenly roads, which travel Along themselves. That has learned to walk upon water
Ignorant Before The Heavens Of My Life
Ignorant before the heavens of my life, I stand and gaze in wonder. Oh the vastness Of the stars. Their rising and descent. How still. As if I didn’t exist. Do I have any
Lady At A Mirror
As in sleeping-drink spices Softly she loosens in the liquid-clear Mirror her fatigued demeanor; And she puts her smile deep inside. And she waits while the liquid Rises from it; then she pours her
The Last Evening
And night and distant rumbling; now the army’s Carrier-train was moving out, to war. He looked up from the harpsichord, and as He went on playing, he looked across at her Almost as one
Black Cat
A ghost, though invisible, still is like a place Your sight can knock on, echoing; but here Within this thick black pelt, your strongest gaze Will be absorbed and utterly disappear: Just as a
The steadfastness of generations of nobility Shows in the curving lines that form the eyebrows. And the blue eyes still show traces of childhood fears And of humility here and there, not of a
The Grown-Up
All this stood upon her and was the world And stood upon her with all its fear and grace As trees stand, growing straight up, imageless Yet wholly image, like the Ark of God,