The Gardener XL: An Unbelieving Smile
An unbelieving smile flits on your Eyes when I come to you to take my Leave. I have done it so often that you Think I will soon return. To tell you the truth
The Gardener XXVII: Trust Love
“Trust love even if it brings sorrow. Do not close up your heart.” “Ah no, my friend, your words are Dark, I cannot understand them.” “Pleasure is frail like a dewdrop, While it laughs
Baby's World
I wish I could take a quiet corner in the heart of my baby’s very Own world. I know it has stars that talk to him, and a sky that stoops Down to his
Lover's Gifts LXX: Take Back Your Coins
Take back your coins, King’s Councillor. I am of those women you Sent to the forest shrine to decoy the young ascetic who had never Seen a women. I failed in your bidding. Dimly
The Land of the Exile
Mother, the light has grown grey in the sky; I do not know what The time is. There is no fun in my play, so I have come to you. It is Saturday, our
Paper Boats
Day by day I float my paper boats one by one down the running Stream. In bid black letters I write my name on them and the name of The village where I live.
Lover's Gifts XXXIX: There Is a Looker-On
There is a looker-on who sits behind my eyes. I seems he has seen Things in ages and worlds beyond memory’s shore, and those Forgotten sights glisten on the grass and shiver on the
Closed Path
I thought that my voyage had come to its end At the last limit of my power, – that the path before me was closed, That provisions were exhausted And the time come to
The Beginning
“Where have I come from, where did you pick me up?” the baby asked Its mother. She answered, half crying, half laughing, and clasping the Baby to her breast- “You were hidden in my
The Gardener LV: It Was Mid-Day
It was mid-day when you went Away. The sun was strong in the sky. I had done my work and sat alone On my balcony when you went away. Fitful gusts came winnowing Through
Lover's Gifts V: I Would Ask For Still More
I would ask for still more, if I had the sky with all its stars, And the world with its endless riches; but I would be content with The smallest corner of this earth
On the Seashore
On the seashore of endless worlds children meet. The infinite sky is motionless overhead and the restless water is boisterous. On the seashore of endless worlds the children meet with shouts and dances. They
The Gardener XXIV: Do Not Keep to Yourself
Do not keep to yourself the secret of Your heart, my friend! Say it to me, only to me, in secret. You who smile so gently, softly Whisper, my heart will hear it, not
The Gardener XLVI: You Left Me
You left me and went on your way. I thought I should mourn for you And set your solitary image in my Heart wrought in a golden song. But ah, my evil fortune, time
Ocean of Forms
I dive down into the depth of the ocean of forms, Hoping to gain the perfect pearl of the formless. No more sailing from harbor to harbor with this my weather-beaten boat. The days