Ode To Salt
This salt
In the saltcellar
I once saw in the salt mines.
I know
You won’t
Believe me,
It sings,
Salt sings, the skin
Of the salt mines
With a mouth smothered
By the earth.
I shivered in those solitudes
When I heard
The voice of
The salt
In the desert.
Near Antofagasta
The nitrous
A broken
A mournful
In its caves
The salt moans, mountain
Of buried light,
Translucent cathedral,
Crystal of the sea, oblivion
Of the waves.
And then on every table
In the world,
We see your piquant
Vital light
Our food. Preserver
Of the ancient
Holds of ships,
The high seas,
Of the unknown, shifting
Byways of the foam.
Dust of the sea, in you
The tongue receives a kiss
From ocean night:
Taste imparts to every seasoned
Dish your ocean essence;
The smallest,
Wave from the saltcellar
Reveals to us
More than domestic whiteness;
In it, we taste infinitude.

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