To Mr. Vaughan, Silurist on His Poems
Had I ador’d the multitude, and thence
Got an antipathy to wit and sence,
And hug’d that fate, in hope the world would grant
‘Twas good affection to be ignorant;
Yet the least ray of thy bright fancy seen
I had converted, or excuseless been:
For each birth of thy muse to after-times
Shall expatiate for all this age’s crimes.
First shines the Armoret, twice crown’d by thee,
Once by they Love, next by Poetry;
Where thou the best of Unions dost dispence:
Truth cloth’d in wit, and Love in innocence.
So that the muddyest Lovers may learn here,
No fountains can be sweet that are not clear.
Then Juvenall reviv’d by thee declares
How flat man’s Joys are, and how mean his cares;
And generously upbraids the world that they
Should such a value for their ruine pay.
But when thy sacred muse diverts her quill,
The Lantskip to design of Zion-Hill;32
So we admire almost t’Idolatry.
What savage brest would not be rapt to find
Such Jewells insuch Cabinets enshrind’?
Thou (fill’d with joys too great to see or count)
Descend’st from thence like Moses from the Mount,
And with a candid, yet unquestioned aw,
Restorlst the Golden Age when Verse was Law.
Instructing us, thou so secur’st thy fame,
That nothing can distrub it but my name;
Nay I have hoped that standing so near thine
‘Twill lose its drosse, and by degrees refine…
“Live, till the disabused world consent
All truths of use, or strength, or ornament,
Are with such harmony by thee displaid,
As the whole world was first by number made
And from the charming rigour thy Muse brings
Learn there’s no pleasure but in serious things.

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