Do I see a contest yonder?
See I miracles or pastimes?
Beauteous urchins, five in number,
‘Gainst five sisters fair contending,
Measured is the time they’re beating
At a bright enchantress’ bidding.
Glitt’ring spears by some are wielded,
Threads are others nimbly twining,
So that in their snares, the weapons
One would think, must needs be captured,
Soon, in truth, the spears are prison’d;
Yet they, in the gentle war-dance,
One by one escape their fetters
In the row of loops so tender,
That make haste to seize a free one
Soon as they release a captive.
So with contests, strivings, triumphs,
Flying now, and now returning,
Is an artful net soon woven,
In its whiteness like the snow-flakes,
That, from light amid the darkness,
Draw their streaky lines so varied,
As e’en colours scarce can draw them.
Who shall now receive that garment
Far beyond all others wish’d-for?
Whom our much-loved mistress favour
As her own acknowledged servant?
I am blest by kindly Fortune’s
Tokens true, in silence pray’d for!
And I feel myself held captive,
To her service now devoted.
Yet, e’en while I, thus enraptured,
Thus adorn’d, am proudly wand’ring,
See! yon wantons are entwining,
Void of strife, with secret ardour,
Other nets, each fine and finer,
Threads of twilight interweaving,
Moonbeams sweet, night-violets’ balsam.
Ere the net is noticed by us,
Is a happier one imprison’d,
Whom we, one and all, together
Greet with envy and with blessings.

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