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OVER the meadows, and down the stream,
And through the garden-walks straying,
He plucks the flowers that fairest seem;
His throbbing heart brooks no delaying.
His maiden then comes oh, what ecstasy!
Thy flowers thou giv’st for one glance of her eye!
The gard’ner next door o’er the hedge sees the youth:
“I’m not such a fool as that, in good truth;
My pleasure is ever to cherish each flower,
And see that no birds my fruit e’er devour.
But when ’tis ripe, your money, good neighbour!
‘Twas not for nothing I took all this labour!”
And such, methinks, are the author-tribe.
The one his pleasures around him strews,
That his friends, the public, may reap, if they choose;
The other would fain make them all subscribe,

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