Home ⇒ 📌Jack Spicer ⇒ Fifteen False Propositions Against God – Section XIII
Fifteen False Propositions Against God – Section XIII
Hush now baby don’t say a word
Mama’s going to buy you a mocking bird
The third
Joyful mystery.
The joy that descends on you when all the trees are cut down
And all the fountains polluted and you are still alive waiting
For an absent savior. The third
Joyful mystery.
If the mocking bird don’t sing
Mama’s going to buy you a diamond ring
The diamond ring is God, the mocking bird the Holy Ghost.
The third
Joyful mystery.
The joy that descends on you when all the trees are cut down
And all the fountains polluted and you are still alive waiting
For an absent savior.

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