Heather Mchugh
There, a little right Of Ursus Major, is The Milky Way: A man can point it out, The biggest billionfold of all Predicaments he’s in: His planet’s street address. What gives? What looks A
The gh comes from rough, the o from women’s, And the ti from unmentionables presto: There’s the perfect English instance of Unlovablility complete With fish. Our wish was for a better Revelation: for a
Ghazal of the Better-Unbegun
Too volatile, am I? too voluble? too much a word-person? I blame the soup:I’m a primordially Stirred person. Two pronouns and a vehicle was Icarus with wings. The apparatus of his selves made an
With Due Respect To Thor
The dog has shrunk between the brake and clutch. His shaking shakes a two-ton truck. From a God So furious, he cannot hide his hide. Outside, In the world at large, black hours are
The Father of the Predicaments
He came at night to each of us asleep And trained us in the virtues we most lacked. Me he admonished to return his stare Correctly, without fear. Unless I could, Unblinking, more and
What He Thought
We were supposed to do a job in Italy And, full of our feeling for Ourselves (our sense of being Poets from America) we went From Rome to Fano, met The Mayor, mulled a
The literate are ill-prepared for this Snap in the line of life: The day turns a trick Of twisted tongues and is Untiable, the month by no mere root Moon-ridden, and the yearly eloquences
Etymological Dirge
‘Twas grace that taught my heart to fear. Calm comes from burning. Tall comes from fast. Comely doesn’t come from come. Person comes from mask. The kin of charity is whore, The root of