Home ⇒ 📌Emily Dickinson ⇒ This is the land the Sunset washes
This is the land the Sunset washes
This is the land the Sunset washes
These are the Banks of the Yellow Sea
Where it rose or whither it rushes
These are the Western Mystery!
Night after Night
Her purple traffic
Strews the landing with Opal Bales
Merchantmen poise upon Horizons
Dip and vanish like Orioles!

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- After Sunset The vast and solemn company of clouds Around the Sun’s death, lit, incarnadined, Cool into ashy wan; as Night enshrouds The level pasture, creeping up behind Through voiceless vales, o’er lawn and purpled hill And hazéd mead, her mystery to fulfil. Cows low from far-off farms; the loitering wind Sighs in the hedge, you hear […]...