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The Leaves like Women interchange
The Leaves like Women interchange
Exclusive Confidence
Somewhat of nods and somewhat
Portentous inference.
The Parties in both cases
Enjoining secrecy
Inviolable compact
To notoriety.

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- Full of Life, Now FULL of life, now, compact, visible, I, forty years old the Eighty-third Year of The States, To one a century hence, or any number of centuries hence, To you, yet unborn, these, seeking you. When you read these, I, that was visible, am become invisible; Now it is you, compact, visible, realizing my poems, seeking […]...
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- Passing Through Nobody in the widow’s household Ever celebrated anniversaries. In the secrecy of my room I would not admit I cared That my friends were given parties. Before I left town for school My birthday went up in smoke In a fire at City Hall that gutted The Department of Vital Statistics. If it weren’t for […]...