Home ⇒ 📌Emily Dickinson ⇒ The Frost of Death was on the Pane
The Frost of Death was on the Pane
The Frost of Death was on the Pane
“Secure your Flower” said he.
Like Sailors fighting with a Leak
We fought Mortality.
Our passive Flower we held to Sea
To Mountain To the Sun
Yet even on his Scarlet shelf
To crawl the Frost begun
We pried him back
Ourselves we wedged
Himself and her between,
Yet easy as the narrow Snake
He forked his way along
Till all her helpless beauty bent
And then our wrath begun
We hunted him to his Ravine
We chased him to his Den
We hated Death and hated Life
And nowhere was to go
Than Sea and continent there is
A larger it is Woe

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